Happy Birthday Jesus! Woo Hoo!
I am so excited and so blessed to be a follower and lover of Christ, for today we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. This morning my brother comes in and wakes me up, and the first thing I could think of was what today really means. Heck, who needs presents when the only true meaningful loving present of all was God's gift to us...his son Jesus the Christ.
Last night was a really good service. I think Christmas services are always so meaningful and moving. I was very happy to see that my grandparents and uncle came. Hopefully what Mark said touched them. I'm pretty sure it touched my grandpa, because I saw him shead some tears. I hope and pray that God spoke through them, and again, I'm so glad that they came.
Cindy got me the cutest presents. Candy and her got me this really cute skirt from AE, a top from Vanity, 2 photo flip books (for her and Robin--pictures from FL), mouse traps (to catch Mickey?).
So I went downstairs and opened up some presents, not a lot..but I am fine with that (like I already said). I am listening to some music on my new Sony walkman cd/mp3 player...so that I am thankful for. On January 2nd I am going to Denver Colorado...I am soo sooo excited to go, and I am thankful that my parents are paying for it. Hopefully they will throw some money at me for food and gas, but if they don't, I'll manage!
So I hope y'all have a great day, and really I encourage you to search your hearts this day and ask yourself and maybe even God, why you celebrate this wonderful day.