::Psycho West Coast::

Hey guys, I just wanted to post one last entry before I embark on my vacation to the lovely state of California. I have to get up in 5 hours so I best get some sleep. Have a great week everyone! I will be thinking about the boringness of Nebraska while I am having a blast in Cali. To those who know Pat, I haven't decided yet if I will call him? Call my cell and give me some advice if you want to! You know my number! Oh yeah, I will have it on out there too..so feel free to call to see what I am up to! My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...I'm leavin' on a jet plane..and I do know when I'll be back again! The 19th. P.S. About the Hellagood feeling..it's funny because in Cali, like everyone says "Hella" and "I'm all" C-YA!
Read 3 comments
Wow, your assumptions are amazing. I lived in California for around seven years, it's not a "lovely" state, the smog and gross people sicken me, which is why I moved. And it's wonderful to sterotype people - they don't all say 'hella' but your intelligent thinking was right on. Have a nice trip.
I can't wait until you come back! Church was boring today! We need a tall, skinny, blonde girl to entertain us! I hope the transition from LaLaLand to BlahBlahLand isn't too hard on you! ;)
Ready for 2JfromK? LoL and what was the other? Alex and Emma? I forget the guy's name. Hope you're enjoying Cali - I'm loving it here in Russia! T