It was a stress mess up in the hizzouse of Sonic tonight. We weren't that busy up until around 10:00 p.m. My manager let Megan leave and then Courteny, so I was left to take all the orders out...eek..I had some mean customers. One lady got so mad that she complained to my manager and then he got so mad that he turned off the lights at 11:30 instead of midnight. Yeeps, I was just glad that God got me through the night safely and without blowing up! I was able to talk to some friends of mine that I haven't talked to in a while, and I made some tip money too.
Tomorrow I am going to the Y and then shopping hopefully. I have to work tomorrow night at 7 so grr to that. Oh, and I guess we are closing at 1 a.m. on the weekends! Geez, that is should just call us VI or IHOP now. I don't want to complain anymore though, because I have been blessed to have this job for this short time this summer and make money! Make money, make money money..haha.
TP, speaking of when I was at the boys' house we watched Saved by the Bell..and it was the episode where Zack, Lisa, Kelly, Screetch, and Slater wanted U2 tickets, and then they didn't get them..but then the found $5000 by a bench. Haha..then those crazy bad guys were after them in the mall and they had to sneak into a tent in order to spend the night at the mall so they would be the first in line to get U2 tickets in the mornin'. Geez...they later found out that they were on "Candid Video" or "Candid TV" hhahahaah cheapy version of "Candid Camera" I spose. Man SBTB was one cool show. So was Full House! "Well pin a rose on your nose!" "You got it dude!" "Oh come on now, cut-it-out!"
i'm sorry y'all are so busy at sonic. perhaps i'll come see you one of these nights when you are working.