Baby it's cold outside. Really cold. The courtyard of HSS is like a wind tunnel. The wind took my breath away. "Take my breath away..."
My internet finally works. It's osome. I am sitting at MY desk on MY computer. Woo Hoo. Turns out the computer guys at the 501 building thought that I was in Smith 502. Whatever, it works.
The new dorms look promising. Husker Courtyards. That name just sounds neat too. Kels, Stace, the boys and I went to East Campus for dinner and then checked out a model of a 4-bedroom suite. Man, it's tight. I really hope we can stay there next year. Well, not the model of it, but the real deal yo! I hope it's not too expensive. We'll find out soon.
Tonight at Bible study we looked at Romans 9: 6-18. The "true" Israel are those who have faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior. Paul makes a case for three generations of election...through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Something I realized was that God provides us with the ability to believe in the gospel. It doesn't depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy (vs. 16). So as in the days of Moses, the Jews of Paul's day, or today...people are not saved because they willed it or their good deeds/performance, but on God who has mercy. And I guess another thing I took from the study that I already had known in my heart was that I don't even deserve His mercy..none of us do really. But in God's mercy He chose me.