The Career Fair doesn't seem as appealing as I thought it would. I read through the employers that are going to be there tomorrow, and frankly none seem interesting enough to pursue. Not evenu for a summer job. But I know I need to go. Even if it is for the sake of going. I have to get my foot in the door somehow in this whole job thing, so I might as well start somewhere, right? I must admit, it is frightening.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty. That is what the radio is singing to me right now. Well, the artist's taped song through the radio station actually.
Saw Andy tonight on the way home from work. Ah, I miss Andy. Even though I never was really close with him, but he was always so upbeat and I loved how his voice projected so well over and throughout the store. Crazy kid. I hope his lip doesn't piercy schmiercy.
Goodness me, it is 1:33 a.m. I am NEVER up this late!
I am sooooo glad my grandparents are back home from Italy. I can't wait to see them this weekend, Lord willing.
Well, I'm off to bed.
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