::I'm an athlete right?::

So I am here in the computer lab that is worth a couple de-billion dollars. Money that most likely was donated from all the loyal Husker fans. Money that was also paid by the many students at this university that probably could care less about Husker athletics. However, I support the athletic program (GO BIG RED!), and so I sit here in the Hewit center with a bunch of Husker athletes on these very nice very expensive computers. I was able to sneak in with Carissa (used to be an athlete here, in my Bible study)...It's pretty cool in here, if you ask me. Dang Gina..my eye is twitching again...I wonder what causes eyes to twitch? Tonight I am heading back to P-Town for Bible Study at FBC. Gotta go to my geography class now. The class in which I sit at and wonder why my professor goes off on the many tangents he goes off on!? I'm not even joking you...every day he mentions either beer, alcohol, getting drunk..or something along that line...he's got to be a rangin' alky (alcoholic). And how is this related to Human Geography? No clue.
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hey carolina, just wanted to say hi. i'm glad your year is going so well. you go home often? i'll be home on october 4 for family pictures at faith prez. congrats about joining fbc, i'm glad you are growing in your faith like this. anyway take care of yourself.
I just have to say Jars of Clay rox!
Sorry bout Thurs. Maybe Fri/Sat? Dan wants to come out for next Thurs. study, so then for sure probably. Ciao ~Jon