Listening to: necro
Someone’s lust, is someone’s win
Love consumption, opposite hell production, self destruction
Brain cell abduction
Vein corruption
Cocaine production
Your brain gets sucked in
i don't know if id refuse it if it was offered to me. i might smoke hash on friday. i guess i'll have to ask jay if its too late for him to get some. hmmm. it's alex's birthday today. and his girlfriend lindsay is a vegetarian again hahaha! now joey and his brother have vegetarian girlfriends. yee.
tendai plans on asking out the girl he likes tomorrow. im excited for him.
i kinda miss being drunk. i definitly miss smoking, its been since BEFORE i got the morning after pill. in november. wtfffffff.
today gabby played necro in music&culture and it was 'whos ya daddy.' i REALLY wanted her to ask sausage and jennifer what they though, but mr canuel wouldnt let her. damn.
well anyways im in a necro faze again, haha. i wonder if he actually was an addict, or if he still is. anyways yeah.
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