i got in. i filled out the confirmation card. i selected my first choice classes. newyork in 48 hours. i just called joey to tell him that i was accepted. he was smoking with pat. then i called him back to tell him that my brother got world of warcraft. him and pat thought that was really funny. i wish pat wasnt such a bad influence on him, because i really like him. well i guess it works both ways, because joey is a pretty bad influence on pat. but more so pat, trying to bring joey to crack parties. ugh, crack parties. i think im going to see happy feet tomorrow at school, i hope cristina still wants to : ) i have to find a song on limewire by tom waits, called on a foggy night. cause canuel is really counting on me to do an assignment about lyrics, and he said he found a tom waits just for me. haha, but it has to be a song i havent heard yet. its half downloaded and its damn good. why havent i heard it before?
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