Listening to: the flobots. i like.
i had a fun weekend. partying is the cure. it's nice to have actual fun with joey like we used to when we would drink and smoke at shows. we saw courtney at clydes and she looks like a skeletal coke whore. i can't wait to drink again. maybe i will this friday, i want to party it up with the girls (CRISTINA?). glam it up.
i hope my new dead boys photo isn't too offensive. actually, if you think it's offensive then i am pleased. it's staying.
all i can look at in my previous entry is how pronounced my veins looks in the photo where i'm touching my temple. tomorrow i am going to school for 8:30, to give a blood and urine sample to make sure joey didn't give me any life-threatening diseases. i hope i have enough blood left to give. i gave blood last week, and it takes 60 days for your blood to replenish itself. if i go in early only to find out i cannot get tested, i will be angry.
i'll let you, my captivated audience, know what goes down when i update tomorrow night. or later than that.
ps-the cure just released a new album?
saturday, ryan is playing a show with mustard plug/bomb the music industry. i don't like either of the bands but i gotz to be there for support and junkzz. wanna come?! yes! excellent! i would also be down to meet at some point during the day. coffee, babe?
love, your favorite person