Listening to: the beatles
i was placed in basic french for next year. im kind of worried that i actually might be that stupid, but i hope its not cause i rushed my test and didnt try at all. cause then they might make me switch up. boo.
i just found a job listing that sounded really cool, i emailed a lady and i really wanna hear back from her! i just dont wanna work at mcdonalds. my cut is like, sensitive, even though its kind of a scar now. like if i poke it with my nail its sensitive. fuck im retarded.
sooo joey wants to go clubbing after prom, which is totally hypocritical cause he always says how clubbing is a waste of time, and money and its a pointless thing to do. whatever, i decided im not going, im just hanging out at the hotel if he goes.
i wanna have a pool party!
my last exam is actually a group oral for french on friday. which is a piece of cak, but i have the WORST possible group members to possibly have. god. i feel like crap cause i havent worked out in a few days, but like what can you expect from a girl whos bleeding? but im SO relieved i got it, because of the missing of a pill thing last week. haha i said me and joey wouldnt have sex after that but we did. if i were to tell joey that i forgot to take my pill for like sixteen hours, i think he'd flip the fuck out. completely.
well she was just seventeen, you know what i mean
oh fuck, edit------
yesterday mr doyon walks up to me and goes 'sara you havent given me anything for this term, which means you'll fail the term which meand you'll fail the course'
i was like, yeah big surprise i didnt do the stupid project. but now im failing the whole course, even though i got 100% last term! haha fuck i suck.
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