do you like to pet your kitty?

Feeling: shattered
ok first of all GUESS WHO GOT ACCEPTED TO SAGE?!!?!?! I got the letter today, and my parents kept saying stuff like, "There's a letter for you. On the table by your spot." in a tone that kind of implied, "There's a leper in your seat and he says you had his child and he wants child support." haha. and "You know, I know that you're going to study abroad, but I don't know when." lol. And then I was all quiet... and I go "Dear Clara and Faaaammmmillllyyyy..." dragging it all out "Congratulations!" and my dad squealed and jumped on me. No joke. lol. He is so weird sometimes... But anyways I wore my hott new skirt today and felt uber-sexy allll dayyyy... Only to come to the end of it with Shane lying on top of me and have to scream at him to watch the skirt and he was like "Oh, I didn't even notice you were wearing a skirt." hahaha. But Shane, strange as it may seem, made my day today. I was like really tired and just kinda depressedish... Then I saw him in the hall during lab break and he started like flipping out and I was like, "Hmm. I'll walk with Shane." So I did and we ended up breaking it down walking down the hall to Get Down Tonight (awesome song btw haha) and I was instantly in a good mood. And Sharifi is still like totally wack. He has been in such a good mood, joking around with us and saying how much he loves us and stuff... It's sooo funny... He keeps playing with that broken antenna haha, and singing with Zach and calling him a loser and stuff, and getting into gossipy conversations with Becky Ratinski, and telling us stories about his friends... Hahaha it is sooo weird! But I'm actually starting to like bio slightly cuz of that... Except those absolutely horrible movies we have to watch... And apparently my nickname is not Porky, but Fetus-Eater. And I actually took Messputin's side to defend myself. Alice thinks thats a cute nickname hahaha. Blondie, Babe, and Fetus-Eater. I don't find that cute. lol. Japanese music is soo cool. Hahha I love Yulie... And pit. omg now that I'm in the right place drama is a blast! Except I really think Nelson hates me, and maybe O too, cuz I sit so far from the rest of the pit-me and Amanda-that I'm almost an actor haha, and she threatened to move me into the actual pit today haha. Only unthreateningly. But anyways. They probably think I'm a distraction bcuz it doesn't look like I really know my music, which is weird cuz I can usually play it fine... and then it matters and I feel like my tongue fell out and is dancing a jig on my head to mock the fact that I suck at my hott and sexy instrument which I am so undeserving of ;-) hahaha. But like when Shane made a Clara sandwich at dinner break, and then Frank got in on it, and I started spinning onstage, and lying down behind the set with everybody else and their mom, and then Shane came and lay down on top of me... And then I was dictating the cha cha slide and nobody heard Heather's announcement so since we were being attention whores at the moment we got blamed for it hahaha... And then I somehow gashed my ankle open and had to run (trying to be inconspicuous) in front of the stage to take care of it... And returned Dycky's Romeo and Juliet gesture... And I always watch the show and accidentally miss my cues. Haha. Bad girl bad girl, whatcha gonna do... But oh well. I'm most likely overreacting and being silly like always. Probably just conceit blurring my vision... :x hahahaha But I love drama. We had this weird video-conference thingie today, the lady was ok-cool even though her stories weren't very satisfying at all... And she made a lasting impression cuz she's an author, but it struck me how she so effortlessly remember everybody's name. I'm weird lol. shut up :x rock me all night :x (music is cool... haha)
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Ooooh my brotha is growing up!
