Listening to: found by you - across the sky
Feeling: perfect
Today I wore my hott new Beatles shirt and it's sparkly and it catches everybody's eye lol and I love it too. And it set Mr Messineo off yelling at us. About The Beatles in 1971 and Mick Jagger being on tour again now. He was literally yelling at us. Alice thinks he didn't take his meds which I'd be betting too... haha Junior. hahahahaha
Hahahaha in English we finished the movie and Kent wasn't going berserk anymore... We were all sitting there laughing about everybody's middle name and Mario=Messineo and stuff and children's books about mice lmao and how they all have subliminal messages that make it fun for big people AND little people... and Mr Kent was just sitting behind his desk chuckling. Silly Mr Kent...
It TOTALLY did rain today...
Tomorrow comes the sisterhood movie!!! oman Bridg better be able to go!!!!!! :_(
I have been having such a hard time remembering my thoughts today hahaha... Like 8 things I wanted to talk to Steve about I finally started a list... and other things I have to remember. like 8million fire drills today too...
I want some cinnamon toast. lmao not that kind you goofballs... I am totally living in the past lol. :x
So yeah... I'm puzzled about things... Confuzed with myself, there's another beri beri epidemic going around mwahahaha. 'Twas a joint effort though. Old MS + Doctor DJ Squeezy hahaha. + another random whatsit... :x
P.S. some kid got hit by a car today around Bacon :_( pray for him...
-alice <3
Sorry, that was Mr. Messineo. He's over at my house.