productivity and the ironic post

Feeling: explosive
OK, so that whole conflicting thing that was going on the other day... TOTALLY over! I got to talk to my Other Half guiltily on AIMexpress for like an hour and a half :x and it was soooo niccee... Yesterday we went to this orphanage called Mendies Haven for fourth candle - better known in the States as the fourth Sunday in Advent - and it was a really nice service, some of the kids sang and Maizji spoke. Another encounter with Mrs. Hawaii... she and Mr. Kolkata would go very nicely together. Makes me shudder just thinking about it. Delectable quote: "I went from cooking for the rich and powerful in Washington to cooking for the poor and homeless in Maui." Which she previously had called "the melting pot of the US" or something like that. Yeeah. But Mummy is the coolest old lady I've ever met in my life. Physically, she's ancient. Mentally, she's like, 17. Sarcastic and hilarious and warm and spunky... I love her. Everyone loves her, as Avinash likes to say. The kids were fab too, they were so friendly and smiley, despite the circumstances... :_( But let me tell you, if I was an orphan, there's no place I'd rather be than there. Today we got up and did laundry. Yummeh. Spent a good 10 minutes being innovative and trying to find a nice spot to dry our bras and underwear where the boys wouldn't crash into them. I hung a shawl from the two handles on the closet doors and hung the hanger thing between them, and then, dissatisfied, I hung it up in the open window. Our room smells fresh and fabulously laundry-soap-y. Mmmmm... And sunshiney. We figured there wasn't much better to do, so we disapparated our bachelorette pad - not QUITE as bachelorettey as CONVO, Barty and Yulie ;-) - but still, pretty bachelorettey. They've been on our case about it since we got back from Pokhara. But it's so fresh and so clean clean now :D And then we just chill chill, just chilled for a bit on our neatly stacked and verrry heavy Nepali quilts. Nicole was reading a book about the shooting of the Royal Family some years back, and I studied Korean for a little while before moving on to the Kathmandu Post. We decided it was like college, only better. Haha. Because we were studying things we were interested in. I love Korean. It's a sweet language. I now know how to say things like "squid" and "beer" and "town center." Yep. Anyways, the Post seemed almost like an activist paper to me, ironically - Kathmandu's supposed to be one of the few places actually under government control, but a lot of the articles sounded slightly pro-Maoist or at least anti-monarchy. There was one about how Bush sucks, I mean, how he refuses to join the Kyoto agreement, even as leader of the biggest emitter, because it will destroy the US economy. I mean seriously, who cares about the environment anyway? It totally made the US look uber-loserish. Snap son. There were lots of articles about violations of human rights and freedom of press. One was advocating a ban on torture, which has, freakily enough, not been imposed as of yet; it basically said that the monarchy is just as bad as the Maoists if it keeps up its smashing down individual rights, and that the Maoists have some good ideas, but they're violent and corrupt. Which has basically been true about communism in general from the beginning of existence, am I right? So yeah, it was really interesting to me. In the afternoon the boys invited us out to hang out with them, which was cool, because we don't do much of that. They asked us some more questions about school, and told us that after we go back to Delhi we'll forget them (impossible)... And then Samuel, who caught us dancing last night when we were doing face masks with Avinash and Ashwin (hahahahahaha gotta love 'em), spilled the beans and they made us dance. I broke out the iPod and we got a rockin' dance party going. Those boys are fly!!! Mmmm, gurrrrllll... Yeah, so we learned some Nepali moves and got to know them better. They said I'm serious and Nicole's not serious, because she's always smiling and I think too much. Haha. True I suppose. But they haven't the slightest clue. Nicole, I think, is more in-your-face and catches attention quicker, but she's not as overly eager to meet everyone and do everything as I am. But anyways, we complement each other sometimes. Haha. We exchanged some sweet moves with the guys and then had to go for dinner. Soooo fun. They wanna do it again tomorrow night. I love them. Haha. Songs at her fingers and bells on her toes, she throws a party wherever she goes :p
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other half, i heart you with well, all my heart!
