mmm creamy creamy cheesy creamy cheesy cheesy creamy

Feeling: dancy
Hey buddy. Haha Alex just commented on my saying that... Thanks Ben. And Kat. Been chillin with you guys too much haha. Nooo... Can't hang out with you guys too much. :x I love cream cheese and products, like cream cheese fruit dip with strawberries, and lemonade (which is not a cream cheese product but I like it anyways. shut up. lol) Anyways. I hate Testo. like death. I literally couldn't keep my eyes open in math today. I was sitting there holding them open with my fingers and they were STILL falling shut!! Then he wouldn't let us out, and I was all looking forward to the bus so I could sleep, and then me n Ashley and Michelle ended up hanging out like the old days... on the bus... It was so awesome. We were like "Haha last year... man we were little kids back then! Hahaha when we're seniors we'll be like 'ew guys remember that time on the bus when we were pretending to be Eminem, we were such little kids back then...'" hahaha. Justo was even better this year... And I'm not being sarcastic. It was the exact same show, but he changed a few unimportant things... We got even more into it, jumping a lot (painfully) and cha cha-ing and whatnot, we had a massive slow dance and me n Michelle did our move in between the seats, and ASHLEY WENT UP ON STAGE!!!! YEAH THATS MY GURRRLLLL!! Mrs. Smrtic HATED it, you could see her dying lol. We were all breaking it down. And Frankie is hott. Speaking of which we decided that a lot of our guy friends are hott now, and we can say it now cuz it doesn't matter anymore, we just have to not say it to their face bcuz its awkward lol, unless of course they're on the brink of suicide and then they wouldn't listen to us anyways haha. :x In any case, we also sang a ton of camp songs and stuff, and our bus was soooo quiet besides us, and we sang the tree in the seed in the hole song all the way to "And the adenine on the base and the base on the DNA and the DNA on the bacteria and the bacteria on the flea and the flea on the bug and the bug on the leaf and the leaf on the branch and the branch on the tree and the tree from the seed and the seed in the hole and the hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around all around and the green grass grows all around" before the whole bus started threatening our lives. hahaha. Me n Ashley were just going with it and we kept saying the exact same thing as each other. It was sooo funny. Then we went to Mexican Connection and the food was better than last year except the meat tasted like cat food, but that's minor. lol. I think Mrs. Foote hates us. :x We stole Lifetime magazine (actually called Violet) and read it on the way home and we read this article about some lady whose hubby was gay, and we were reading the 10 ways to tell if your husband is gay, and Frank goes "You guys I think I'm gay!" So I jumped on him and pushed him onto the seat to pretend like I was making out with him and Ashley was like "Are you testing his sexuality?" and I was like "Yes. DEFINITELY NOT gay." Hahaha. then I stuck my head between his arm and the seat and he looked down and made the funniest face ever... After school we had band and O goes "DO YOU THINK I YELL AT YOU TO BE A BITCH?! NO! Because we all know I'm not." hahahaha. Me n Ashley were waiting for Hawtt Schtuph to pick us up from band and Frank was gonna give me a ride but he just got in the car and yelled at his dad and made faces at us through the glass while Frank, Sr. talked to Dom out the other window... And me n Ashley started cracking up and Frank, Sr. rolled down the window and said "Who's on your shirt?" at the same time as Frankie said "We weren't talking about you guys. We were just talking." Haha. Tomorrow I get a new and improved voicemail. As you can tell I am in a much better and more stable mood today, as evidenced from the pointless details I choose to share hahaha. And Andy is a loser. I was so close to not hating him permanently And then he had to go and be STUPID
Read 4 comments
frank: hott
dan: hott
pelosi: hott
dom: not hott

Frank's hot, but we told him.
Pelosi's hot, but that doesn't matter.
Rich is hot, but duh.
and Dan is a MAN!
PS I hate Andy now too. You didnt think I could, did you?

Now for my section...
hahahahahaha i adorrrre you guysssss