[21] Suffocate me all you need I wont breath but it's ok

Listening to: Random on my playlist
So once again I have nothing to write about. I spent all weekend with my best friend Chanel which was totally cool. I'm glad that I can hang out with her and my other friends and there not be ackwardness or anything. I want her to like them and them to like her so we'll see. I'm going down to her house today but later on in the day so that I can hang out with my boyfriend first and then tomorrow we're going to the beach. I'll also be spending the next two weekends with her so that's cool too. I got asked over the weekend if I was anorexic and I actually just kinda laughed about it. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I don't eat but its just because food is not appetizing to me and I'm just not hungry. I just thought it was funny but I said no and such. I actually sat down and talked to David's brother Jeff on Saturday too which was cool because I've never really talked to him about anything important but I hope that we can finish our conversation and maybe I can help him make his relationship with Jessi work but we'll see. Well I have nothing else to write about so I'm going to say good-bye for now but hope that you all are doing well.
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i love ur diary so plain but so pimpin