[145] i mean nothing to you

Listening to: NA
Feeling: eager
I'm going to Projekt Revolution tour today with Heather :] She always takes me to sweet shows. This is my seventh concert/show in a year and six of those were free. I would have bought the tickets if I had the money but James always gives them to Heather for free and she always invites me. Seriously I don't get to see her that much but she means the world to me and I love her. I hope she doesn't move too :/ I've been at work for two hours already and its only 8:01 AM. Yes people like me have to work and yes sometimes at 6 AM. I got screwed over for the next two weeks so I won't have any money in two paychecks but oh well. I'm borrowing some from my dad and I got a check in the mail the other day so that will help me out. I just hate not having any money and living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes I wish I was Paris Hilton but prettier. I so desperately want to be in a relationship but I know that will never happen. Its like I can't find someone I like enough to date and when I do it ends up falling apart anyway. I'm just so sick of being alone and I want someone I can call my own. [Wow that rhymed] Maybe one day I'll find that person. I just neglect people when I date them and not on person either but oh well :/ I should probably find something productive to do but it won't happen. Just under six hours to go until I can meet Heather and go to the show.
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