[208] And every time I see you i still hear trumpets

Listening to: na
Feeling: schizophrenic
I'm leaving in nine days to start my third college in four years and to move away from home. I'm scared and nervous at the same time because I only know one person out there and we aren't even friends; plus the girls I'm rooming with I have never met. I hope its nothing to major because I really need to finish school and move on with my life. I'm going to miss Tim; we've only been dating since end of April/beginning of May but I feel as if I'm falling in love with him and its scarey and exciting at the same time. He means the absolute world to me and I'm afraid that its going to be too rough on our relationship. I really hope we make this three hour distance thing work because I can't picture my life without him. He means everything to me and I would take a bullet for him and risk my own life just to let him live his. Oh I swear its love. Hope everyone is good.
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Aww, cute. If you love him, everything will work out the way its supposed to.