[70] Dont get caught up youll just get burned

Listening to: Marilyn Manson
So over the past few days so much shit has happened that I can't even handle it. I'm not going to write about it because for right now its a secret. Just one thing that I don't want to get caught up in so I'm keeping it all a secret. If things continue this way then I'll let you all know what's going on ;] but until then ponder. Do you ever have those days where as soon as one thing goes wrong a bunch of other shit goes wrong? I had one of those days yesterday. It started off ok but then when I'm at school we mess up our lab three times and then I'm just frustrated. Its pouring out and my car is being a POS lately. My wiper blades and arms broke and my headlights suck. I fell asleep at Paris' for a few hours in his arms before Chanel came over and got me. It was just one of those nights that I was glad I was with them two because they make things not so difficult to deal with. I go and see my dad today and I think he fixes my wiper arm but he puts a ghetto blade on my other one. So I'm like thinking and just decide to buy new arms and blades. My mom's going to pick them up for me today and then tomorrow my dad's putting my new headlights in. Its just crazy crazy crazy. Then to make matters worse, school for the semester is over in three weeks and I'm definitely not prepared at all. I haven't really been in the school mood all semester which means I have to retake a class or two. This totally fucking blows. At times things seem to be looking up for me but at other times shit still feels horrible. Oh well though. I'm going now though, later.
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lol that duck is lucky and hot lol i wish i were him :P

ya ive had many of those days when things just go wrong...monday tuesday wensday etc etc...haha

so what are you taking at school/ college/ university...whatevr :P?
It sounds bad but I am in fact extremely happy about the whole no boyfriend situation.

I am glad you have those types of people around you who can really support you when you're feeling down.
Well I hope things start looking up for you soon, because like I have said many times before, you don't deserve crap in your life.

I'm glad that you have people who pull you through now.