[50] I'd love you to love me

Listening to: Blink 182
So I know that all of my entries lately have been about the exact same things. Why my life is so god damn miserable. I'm going to say that if you don't want to read this anymore or comment (not like you do anyway) you should definitely take me off of your friends list and just say good-bye because for the next couple of weeks or so I'm still going to be the most miserable person ever and its not fair to bring all of you down with me. Christina sent me a message on my MySpace last night and I never really thought about the things that she said. After I wrote her back, it did hit me that the things she said were actually true. She told me that I hid my beauty inside and that I should be the happy Erin that she knows I want to be. I never really thought about it and never realized that someone other than Chanel cared. I'm not so sure she cares or she just hates the bulletin's that I post so who knows. I just feel like I've been miserable for the past month or so and I can't change that yet. I thought it was the fact that my boyfriend doesn't care about me and wants to hang out with everyone else but me and won't even talk to me, but then I realized that everything was making me unhappy not just him. How do I change my whole life? Why can't I be happy? I wish that I had answers for all of my questions because I hate this for real ...
Read 6 comments
I write quite a mixture, I have to say. When I am down I tend to write some random stuff and then some really weird things which make no sense, and when I'm happy I write random high things and then get all looking back and scary...

I like your entries, and I always have done.
thank you :) that means alot to me. i kinda know what its like to be in your situation. im crap at giving advice, but just hold on in there. you deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way, and i just hope you find some of those answers that we're all looking for.
lots of love
you can be happy. if you don't let things effect you emotionally. if you focus on the happy things, the small things, like..your friends, bestfriend, you will and can be happy.
boat most of the time, and yes, it's hard...it's very hard...but happiness is sooo worth the work...I'm still trying to work for it...♥Arik
tiny steps...dont' change your ways, or the things in your life, just change the way you percieve them...I know how you feel darlin..I'm in the same
ooh yea. and I love leaving you comments... you actually write back!!! hehe ♥Arik... [makebelieve]