[106] death won't hold you as tight as he will

i fought with my dad today over money for my new phone. now i have to lie to my company to get a new one. he fucking destroyed it and then bitched about. i stormed out of his work with an attitude and got in my car as he was still bitching about it and since i could hear him i turned my radio on because it was really loud and i just took off. this is the first time in months that he's treated me like a piece of shit. how much longer until i can leave this place? a part of me feels like i need him in my life and the other part wants to shut him out completely. i mean isn't that what he's done to me since i was a five year old little girl. he left and never looked back. why is it so hard for me to do the same? ugh ... someone kill me today
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I have that same problem with my dad...I feel like I need him for something [i don't know what] but i just want to run away and not look back...not turn around to make sure he's still there just incase i might need him again out of no where...hopefully everything will be okay...
Oh and another thing, atleast you have a car that you can run away with for a little bit of time, i don't... :(