[197] I was the one who wouldn't let you leave

Over the last three weeks I've been royally screwed over; I don't know why either but it fucking sucks. My hours at work got cut once again and granted i've taken days/weekends off but I'm still not working at all. I hate how everyone's aloud to come home from school for two semesters and steal my fucking hours; why not the people that never want to work, why mine? I hate how Sheldon keeps doing this to me for the third week in a row after I spent forty plus hours there for him for an entire two months straight; even with taking five classes at Macomb too. I don't know how I'm still living after all of that but it's definitely not getting better. Plus I got my GVSU financial aid papers in the mail today and with my luck over the last three weeks, I won't be going there like I planned in the fall for the year. I'm being completely screwed over with everything and nothing that I do or say changes anything and I don't know how I'm going to pay for stuff or how I'm going to come up with my Orientation fee or my Housing deposit and with all my hours being cut at work nothing is helping and I don't know what I'm going to do. I had my heart set on leaving and now I'm not so sure that's going to happen anymore. Oh how I wish I could just lay my head down on those train tracks and never see the light of day again. Don't bother commenting either.
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hey girl
I miss you kid
long time no talk

i am sure things will work themselves out. one thing that has really been showing itself to me lately is that there seems to be a good reason for everything; i'm sure it's the same for you. if you need to chat, i'm on yahoo under 'refloexion' (=
I'm glad to see you excelling in many things, your bound to do wonderful things in life ^_^
of course ^_^ i would be delighted to be your friend.
email address is kurenai_ilrg@yahoo.com

use that to find my myspace.

my AIM is ShizukaAiren. those are the only things i really use aside from facebook also.