[20] These are the last words I'm ever gonna get to say to y

Listening to: Playlist on Random
So, I said that I was going to go to bed about an hour ago but I got into just sitting awake and doing nothing. I decided that I was going to update before I went to bed and even though this isn't going to be read by anyone I'm still going to say it. I never really write in here or my LiveJournal about my boyfriend and our relationship because I wanted to make sure that things were going great between us. I wanted to make sure that this was going to last a little more than three or four months like all of my other relationships. I've come to the realization that it is. I mean seriously things are so great between us and he doesn't tell me what to do. I mean I get some say in what goes on and he's just so sweet. Like yesterday when I was having a bad day we just cuddled for about two hours and it was so great. I think for once my bad luck with guys is going downhill. On another note, I know that I'm mean to people and I know that I treat people like crap a lot but its because I don't care whether or not they're my friends. I mean I have my two or three people that I talk to about everything and I have the people that I talk to regularly or so but everyone else I really don't care about. I know that is wrong to say but I'm sick of being hurt by everyone. My heart's been broken more than once and not just by guys but by friends. I'm hoping now that I'm going into my second year in college that will all change and I'll actually make new friends and keep them so wish me luck. My birthday is in exactly 2 months and 22 days and I know that I should be excited about it. I mean come on, I'll be 19 for god's sake and its finally Canada time but I truly don't care anymore. I'm just getting a year older and everyone will forget my birthday too so what does it matter. I always pray and hope that this year will be different but it never is ...
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i do that "staying awake doing nothing" thing all the time... lol...

i don't stay up at night anymore cause i got bored of being the only one online or even up at night... now i gave myself a bedtime of 11pm... then i wake up at 10am... so far i've done this for a week, so lets see how long i could keep this trend going... lol...