Feeling: single
I gave him a dryer sheet today   I found it in my sweater... I was putting my arm thru and felt something and pulled it out...and I told him I had a present for him, and I kinda like touched him when I was putting it in his hoody pocket which made him do that almost-uncomfortable eyeing me out of the corner of his eye look. He took it out and smelt it and then proceeded to rub it all over his hoody saying he'd smell it all day until it stopped smelling good. *raises an eyebrow* Is this normal? I went to go pick up Kirri. I noticed Derek walking down the street. I gasped. Aubree groaned. I asked Aubree if it was Derek. She shrugged. We pulled into Kirris driveway and I told her to hurry up, she said it was Derek. I told Vati to go pick him to give him a ride to school. Aubree said, "He's getting in on your side Kirri." She said it all nasty like, I guess she doesn't like him or something? Then they all slid over and he sat by Aubree. Said his Mutti took his car today. I -love- his mother. hehe! He like walked behind me following me into the school. I kept like slowing down or like stopping so he'd come up and maybe we could talk or something but nooo... Once I dropped stuff off at my locker we went walking around the school...in circles...b/c we had no where to go...and we kinda talked as much convo you can have with that boy...and it was cute. He wouldn't look at me much tho. He's like afraid of that eye contact thing. Maybe I'm juss to ugly to look at...or too short...The bell rang after talking to Nate and Kirri...so we walked to class. I'll tell ya what...that boy has got to be more....tangible...yes, touchable without freaking out. I grabbed his sleeve of his hoody and like shook it b/c I was excited we had an assembly today and looked at me like it was...inappropriate... Maybe I'm juss reading him wrong. Maybe he's juss joking around. But sheesh! If the comment "I want your bod" shocks him his answer to the Prom ish gonna worry him. Lighten up boy! I'll be the one to help you...mwhahaha... This is my reply: Te quiero Te necesito O bebe O bebe Usted es para chuparse los dedos Me encantaria ir con usted! English: I want you I need you Oh baby Oh baby (HA HA great huh?) You are finger-licking good. (megan added that one) and... I would -love- to go with you! So much spanish juss so he can figger it out. :D Since he decided to use my lack of Spanish against me I thought it would be great to use his future career against him. I would loovee to have a cop pull him over....maybe take him home to the parentals (since he's kinda afraid of his Vati) and then announce that I said yes thru his Vati or the cop! teehee! He'd be so angry! And so scared! And beet red! WEeee I wanna do it but the only cop I'd be willing to talk to ish Todd, but he juss got home like a week ago and it'd be selfish to pounce on him only for a favor. But that's my dream way of answering him.... But instead I'll juss hand him a note...maybe with a kiss or two...(chocolate)... I followed Kirri home. I slept in her bed most the time. I'm so glad she puts up with me. That made me feel soo much better. That was like my boost of energy to go thru the rest of the week. And it was only a nap...in Kirri's bed...I woke up and ate Ravioli stuff...Preston ate the rest of it. I had bread...and bacon. We went to Young Womens. I looked like crap. I stood up and talked all grumpy like "shut up boys" and conducted the meeting. It wasn't as scary as I thought. hehe...Then we played pictionary and guestures game. It was fun. It wasn't as scary as I thought. My period better start SOON I'm going crazy with all these hormones, example of last night (Derek asking me out) oh my gosshh... I keep getting stressed about school. But there's nothing to do. Lame. My hair was pritti today...kinda...my lil' bun with hair sticking out all over didn't look so good...but I had two tiny curls in front to make up for it. Everyone liked it and commented...again. You look pritti.....*pause* ...today... But after wrestling with Natalie, Megan and Ryker during the assembly it looked like crap. I kept bugging Ryker b/c he was on the bottom of the pile, he got angry and decided to attack me. I ended up curled up in a ball like laying down on Rykers arm so he kinda hadda be in the same position so we like sat their all curled up close to each other on the floor. haha it felt..weird... Morrow ish the GIRLs and BOYS day. Girls wear pink and Boys wear blue. I wanted to wear my "bite me" shirt I got from Vegas morrow but it's blue. I want a grudge day. "Didn't you get the memo? It's lazy day!" So I think I'll wear that shirt and wear a pink scarf or maybe a hoody with it...maybe both. Too much pink. Ick. I don't know what to doo...does it really matter that much? No... Anddd iiiiiiiiiii will always loovvveee youuuuu
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