Feeling: incomplete
Unexpected I didn't realize how many ppl knew my journal....0_o makes me a lil' curious. But on the other hand I don't really care. I'm juss confused at so many ppl that know my name and journal and I don't know theirs until I get comments from them. But thas okay I like the ppl who have recently commented. :D It's all good. I've found I'm much happier when I'm productive. If I'm doing something to keep me busy and mind off all the other stuff I have to do later. This morning I didn't feel like smiling or anything. For some reason when I saw the boy I smiled and talked for like the first time that morning. I don't know why, but he seems to make me....me during the day at school. It was nice to talk...and smile and laugh. I love to make him laugh. So I was productive and smily and talkyish today after I saw the boy. Strange. Also, a lot of different kinds of ppl said hi to me in the halls that don't usually say hi...and sometimes even my name. Can't say I felt...special...but it was ...unexpected. First and second hour were extended b/c of Juniors testing. Yay! We sang "Solla Sollew" (literally) for about 2 and 1/2 hours. Oy vay. Talk about songs stuck in yer head all day. Then in second hour I had about an hour and a half to catch up on my modules and units that I missed while on the St. George Trip. Weee! I spent like 30 minutes figgering out stupid tabs. Grr. I figger it out. I was happy. Shanae juss laughed at me. Falslev is such a hard teacher to work with. She basically won't talk to anyone one on one unless it's before or after school/class. Even if it's juss one simple lil' question on an assignment. She doesn't answer questions about the assignments on the day it's due, it has to be before. *rolls her eyes* She assumes the questions you ask before you finish and then realizes shes wrong all the time. Gouge out my eyes, please. Anyways, I handed in the apparment assignment for Project Reality. Now my hubby and I have an appartment and figgered out how screwed we are with our incomes so far. Next is a car and then food! Yeah, we're screwed eh. Poor college student life. Yay! I felt bad for making the owner of the appartments come out and show us the place without us even being interested. I still kinda feel bad. But I'm sure we'll all get over it. We wasted his time. Mwhahaha.... In fourth hour we read our Personal Narratives to each other. They actually said mine was good, juss need to pick a past or present tense and more description and less than 5 pages. So I have a lot to say okay. It's not due until Monday anyway. *shrugs* I think it's a good story...juss spent too much time with it already. In fifth I had nothing to do so I did more of my 1420 assignments in that class. Weee! I think I've got them all done juss need to print them out! Phew. Now all I have to do is read two books by Friday really. Morros is Thursday I getta wear something...um..cute. I'll try harder to be more...grooming...and smily and happyish morrow too! I will try! I think my sadness feeling is getting better really. I juss need to remain productive. It's hard when I come home. I give myself about an hour and then homework and food an' stuff are more important. I even babysat tonight and there was no crying (mainly b/c he's obsessed with the tellyvision) the only crying was when he figgered out that Tom and Jerry does not play 24/7 for him... other then that...I said it's bed time and he said okay and I followed him into his room. The end of that. He's kinda cute... a lil' ornery and says nasty things...but ...cute. Shalese said I looked comfy and warm, like I didn't care what I looked like today. I think thats a good thing. My baggy black pants and Suessical shirt, my hair in half braids, and my glasses. Yeah, I'm lazy. I think it's odd no matter how much sleep I get at night....well lack of....I dont/cant fall asleep in class....in any of them. I dont know why. I juss cant sleep in class. The boy does it all the time. Taking pictures made me happy today. As soon as this rush of homework ish over with from missing b/c of the trip I want someone to play with. Anyone wanna play with me? I know I'm not that fun to play with if I'm grumpy sometimes. Understandable. *shrugs* But I really don't have a life. Really. And now we have 2 cars to 3 ppl! Dustin got a diff...old..truck. Weee.. I hate phones. I'm allergic to phones. I'm listening to Joseph....brings back so many memories and visuals...*sniffles* Oh how I missed it and loved it! well, that was all random. I'm glad I have time for my journal again. I'll make morrow a better day. After all everyones opinion of you revolves on your opinion of yourself....its a cycle...I'll do better morrow! Juss not looking forward to walking to school in the dark at 5:45 in the morning again. -_- Stupid tardies. Life is good. Sometimes you juss need positive Self Talk. Sometimes you need your friends help. Sometimes you need to do service for others. Sometimes you need to be doing productive things all the time instead of sitting around thinking negatively about stuff. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. So I'll shut up now.
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