Feeling: philosophical
Things I am stressed about : 1. No Money Yet 2. Pain for 3 weeks 3. I think my period ish coming which means ZITS 4. ACT - Testing - SCHOOL - locker partner 5. Senior Pics - pics in general - registration (I DON'T WANNA BE A SENIOR!) 6. Secret Sister stuff 7. NO MONEY STILL 8. Camping for 4 days with girls 9. Auditions (even tho I haven't gotten the letter about it yet) 10. Job - Keep it for school? - Get another one? 11. A new dentist - eep I don't want any more lectures....I know I'm doomed...stupid soft teeth! Die! Why does school have to do this to me?! Can't it be a pleasant experience?? How did Minnie survive?? How do I ??? God give me strength to go on.. The only things I'm slightly excited about ish getting my paycheck one day and reading the BofM... and having Seminary to help me with the BofM. I need Mr. Positive to come help me be positive before I go all depression like about it and cry for a month. This is the first time I've gone w/o pyhsical pain for like 24 hours...I'm running out of pills. "The night is dark and I am far from home...Lead Thou Me On..."
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you've got a friend...thats me! sorry, i was trying to sing...didnt work! I LOVE YOU!
why are you stressed about locker partners?