I am slowly going crazy Mindy dove through her garbage can searching for her progestorin for me to take to help my sanity. She also got me Vitex which is supposed to help control the hormones. "It is widely used to promote overall health and balance in a wonman's cycle" It says its a dietary supplement... I have zits in all over and these ones really hurt. My face looks like a bruise. I don't think zits are supposed to go swollen and purple makin my face look bruised. But maybe that's just me. Never had it happen before... Exactly 10 days ago I was complaining about hormones driving me nuts. This has been going on for more than 10 days! Which means to me that it'll take that much longer to re-correct! Taking these pills for like 6 to 8 weeks - which means it'll take about that long to regulate on them and have them work, right? Man oh man. And it's not like the pill's job is to make me have a period. *crosses her fingers* Please don't skip a month period. You lucky people who actually have schedules! Am I not gonna be able to have babies because of this........?
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you should talk to a gynecologist or at least a general practitioner/nurse practitioner about it!! good luck, babe! i love you