Listening to: LMNT - Hey Juliet
Feeling: eager

Yay! Evan got a job and it hasn't even been 2 full weeks since he lost his last job. He started today. Ironically he's going back to the job he had before this last one. Desk job doing take-offs. But at least I don't have to hear about his financial worries over and over again. Well, unless he's gonna complain about his pay.

Another yay! Natalie is moving out of my house and got an apartment just through the block from me. It is close to me, but considering the alternative, I'd rather her be down the street. They mentioned their financial issues and not sure they would make it to get the apartment. Thats when I offered them money if they would leave! What are friends for, right? I'll pay you to leave me alone!! Turns out they made a deal with the landlord to pay like half now and half later. Yaayyy... win win for everyone. I think it will be good for everyone. They will have a place to stay and their own rooms and noise level, hopefully get some stablity back. They already have financial issues, nothing new there, so they might as well have their own place and try to better their situation instead of living with someone else and infringing on them right?

I feel like giving people financial lectures. My family; beware. My friends; beware.

There is something to be said about the simple words "prepare" and "savings".

You are going to have stress in this life, esp financial. Just a fact of life, thas not gonna change. You decide how you are going to handle it. Its not a "I only have one option". You have decisions to make, start now, not when the crisis hits.

I know its not easy to save some money each month. But would you rather sacrifice some money every month for savings or sacrifice a lot more when that financial disaster hits you? Which stress would you rather feel? The stress of saving or the stress cuz you didn't save? Do you like asking for money from family or friends? Do you hate asking for money so much you'd rather do those pay day loans? Would you rather fall into that pit of financial debt?

So I'm excited that things are somewhat looking up for the holidays now. My friends are doing better and I get my house back and I can put up Christmas and have a clean house! But I'm also frustrated at peoples decisions and ME having to deal with the consequences of THEIR decisions, or non-decisions. Pet peeve #1.

One day I will turn into a hypocrite about this journal entry. But that day is not yet! Don't judge me!

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