"Perfection isn't a To Do List it's more like a To Become List" __________________________________________________________ I'M GOING TO GRADUATE ONE DAY!!! I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Again! I make a purpose of lookin for that light at the end of every semester. I did it again this semester. I have 46 credits so far! I only need 18 more! And I certainly don't wish to do 18 credits (7 classes) in one semester so now the trick is getting to separate them into two semesters. Summer and Fall. Shove the internship in the summer (have to take the prerequiste too)and maybe throw in the Religion classes so it makes my Fall so much lighter. That would help SO much if I could split these credits up. But it's gonna be a tight fit kids. I've been going to school for 7 semesters straight! Fall '06, Win '07, Spring '07, Fall '07, Win '08 and now Summer '08 and Fall '08! That's crazy. And that's not including the concurrent enrollment I did in high school!That's like 3 years or more just to get a 2 year degree. There is NO such thing as a "2 Year Degree". It doesn't exist kids. But starting at this school, going -every- semester they offer I can technically say I made it in 2 years. (Not including the Generals and wondering what I was gonna do for a year...) But that's when I was -booking- it. If I did the normal 2 semesters each year it'd take me a whole lot longer! Do you know how much money I spent on those semesters?!? Tuition AND books?! I only have $2,000 left to spend hopefully to graduate! But that's not including the whole "graduation fees" and books for those last classes. Man oh man. SO much money and SO much time. And that's not even half of what...normal people spend going to college. I just want this over wittthhh. I loathe school. I don't know you kids do it for four years. I'm ready to kill something year 2 1/2 or 3. I'm so excited, but it's scary at the same time. Cuz I really am bookin it and pushing myself. If I make like one mistake. Like not doing my internship right or not passing a class. I swear. I will kill something. I will do -anything- to graduate THIS year. I don't know if I can do it. Think I can pull it off?
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dudette, i KNOW you can do it. :)

this is my ...2nd semester in a row. ha.ha.