Longest Day Ever   This is like the longest day ever. Even longer than Friday or Thursday. Merely because I had things to do/worry about last week. Now there's nothing to do, think about doing, or even care about doing. I handed in all my other papers today. And it would only help the grade. I didn't really need to hand those papers in. Weird. But I'm trying to get above an A-, but that ain't workin' too well. In first hour, I got a guarenteed an A... In second hour, bird course, definate A... In third hour, seminary, definate A... In fourth hour, I am at least guareenteed A-... In fifth hour, I -hope- at least an A-... So I'll have like 2 A-'s but I'll still count it as a 4.0! Yeah, that was like...useful information. Lame. You prolly already know that or else don't care. Derek and I have a 'date' tonight. 2 Fast 2 Furious sometime tonight Then maybe morrow night we'll have a lil' bonfire and burn all of my school papers that I save throughout the year. I'm a pack rat. Then watch a movie. We'll do all of this at Rykers house. Nates not graduating. I kinda put my foot in my mouth dealing with that situation. I feel sad. I want to cry b/c he's leaving on Thursday he said. He has to come to our lil' bonfire. I want my mommy. Mostly, for her money, but I want her right now. And if I go home and find out she's not there I think I'll cry. I'll make Derek take me over to Kirris and get my stuff and then take me home. Yes, we had a sleepover at Kirri's house last night, details on that one later. *raises eyebrows and giggles* I stole the ten bucks off my lunch card. Weeee I can go get that white Tshirt I found for like 6 bucks. Maybe I can sucker my mom into getting me that blue dress I found at JcPenny the other day. Then I'll break the news about my 46 basically 50 bucks on school fees. Maybe, I can put those off until next year. :/ *smiles innocently* I need a job and lots of money to get all this stuff I'm seeing on sale. I wanna go spend money today. I want my mommy now tho. I get Derek tonight. weee.. I'm pritti today, well kinda. My cherry dress. I stole Kirris shirt so she stole mine. Weeee... Ok. I'm done now. I'M THE GIRLFRIEND OF A SEX GOD! Hot hunk ish waiting fer me.
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Goldfish are crackers that look like fish that taste like cheese. Isn't that weird?