Feeling: hopeful
Christmas "It's Christmas and I want everything. I juss can't wait! It's Christmas so don't stop spending noowww" Yes I said it again in another entry too. It's such a great time of the year but yet so many other bad things can juss seep into the cracks of your happiness. I love Christmas...but yet Minnie can't come up until tomorrow... I love Christmas...but I kinda lost my debit card for money stuff...guess I'll hafta go back to checks...what do I do about my card tho?! ack... I love Christmas....but yet...I don't know if/when I'll be able to talk to my brother next! He's supposed to call on Christmas and we all want to be there an' stuff...and then Dallen from the other house is gonna call! I miss my brother! *sob* I love Christmas...but I'm still working on like 6 presents right now, holidays are so stressful... I love Christmas....but Mutti and the boy has decided to work on Christmas day... I love Christmas...but there really is going to be nobody around on Christmas...Scott is going to be with Mutti sometime...Mutti going to work....Minnie going to Trenton...Vatti and I the only one home (kill me now, I mean I love him...for only so long) and all he's gonna wanna do is clean. I love Christmas...but our dinner is probably going to be all...chopped up...Eat a lil before church...a lil after...go to Dianas...eat Muttis turkey while she's at work...I don't know... I love Christmas...but I'm like...an only child now...and it's..boring. I don't wanna be negative...I'm juss stating some facts. I'm giving boxes of love..hehe I'm giving/making 3 of my special poems... I want to give my parental units...something! I want to help out my poor sister and my other poor friends this year.... I want to find my debit card....grrr I have 260 in my bank! I thought I'd only have 180, but I got my check a lil' bit ago. I think my best gift of all is the gift card I got Dustin with his favorite picture on it! weee! For a heartless man, he'll love it! I want to go spend some money right now. I want to get me some christmas underwear! wweee! With candy canes! And presents for the folks an' all...I'm tinkin' food would be good for boys. I'll finish writing my poems an' stuff then I'll go shopping or something... Two surprises this Christmas... Ascii (Danny) emailed me for the first time in like a year...he's still out on his mission! Nate came to visit me, not really a surprise...but it was kinda cool, he came anyways even tho I didn't tell him....and he brought candy! weee! I hope the three ppl like my poems and I get the reaction I want from 'em hehe... I hope I get to speak to my brother... I hope we get to be a family for at least an hour tomorrow... I hope I feel loved... I hope ppl like my gifts and I can get cool ones soon too... I hope I find my card.... God bless us, everyone.
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