I am thankful for all the girls here at this school for pricking me with pain when they go on and on about their engagement and marriage plans Because it means the pain they show me, is pain that I may infict on another girl one day when my joyous day comes. I am thankful for school feeling unending, painful, stressful, and not worth it Because it means I may know the pain and stress that my kids will have when they have the privledge of enduring school, and not me. And that I may, one day, appreciate college life and it's life lessons in my future adventures. I am thankful for strength I have to survive the unending, redundant dating life Because it means I may survive the more unending, redundant marriage life in the future. I am thankful for the cold wind and the slight shivering in the morning in front of the heater Because it means it's not 30 below 0 ...yet. I am thankful for the painful, emotional and dreaded periods I have each month Because it means I might be slightly normal finally... and that I'm not pregnant. I am thankful for the underwear I have that is too small for me Because it means I'm not anorexic; That I actually have underwear and it shows me where my priorities are with my money. (Buying a useless skull to decorate my room instead of buying essential underwear) I am thankful for having my dog for so long even though my parents didn't really want pets Because it means he'll die soon and there won't be a replacement. I am thankful for the long travel and expense it costs to go visit the family for the holidays Because it means family is far away and it costs too much to visit them I am thankful for the times that my mind goes blank or is drowned with too many thoughts Because it means my mind was once working and hopefully will work again some day. I am thankful that I have the ability to learn Because that means I at least acknowledge when I make the same mistake over and over again. I am thankful for the trials I went through Because it means I don't have to go through them again (well the exact situation) and I don't have to live with my permanent mistakes....(ex:marriage) ((well it made sense to me when I said it)) I am thankful that my parents decided to be proctor parents Because it means they have someone else to call the cops on and give lectures too. I am thankful for my parents and family Because it means many different people are assigned to endure the torture of listening to me complain, and not just one person, which makes it easier to spread the whining. I am thankful for my friends Because it means there is someone out there assigned to act like they understand and care about my problems. I am thankful for Grandma and her willingness to share her home Because it means one day I will learn how appreciative I am that I have a grandma and that she could be with me for so long.
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