Ricky Martin come out of the closet. Dude, he was sooo 90's or..maybe even before that. I suppose it is official now tho. Cuz we all need to know who's gay or not apparently...


Sent in my insurance application... slightly incomplete (not my fault) and hoping they'd take it and then hoping to change the payment plan once I get accepted. But the main goal right now is to get accepted for the April 16 date. So I don't have to wait til May 1. Just need a Certificate of Creditable Coverage now.... But between the medical records and the acceptance process I prolly won't be accepted til May 1 anyway... phooey.

Sent out Easter cards....with presents in it... teehee

Sent in my credit application for the mortgage company ppl to check my credit to see if I have enough.

Worked on my book for like 2 hours on Sunday.

Put away/got rid of my jewelry since I don't ever wear pritti things.

Made it to some of FHE yesterday and listened to "Utah's Dating Coach" as she's known apparently. Good heavens, I'm gonna be stuck in that stage the rest of my life. It was hiliarious tho. Loved it. Logan, the volunteer model guy, was hot.

I babysat the boys while their parents went on Mobile Watch. I was supposed to bounce the baby and watch youtube til he fell asleep. Yeah, I know, great, kids watch youtube now instead of tv. Apparently, I suck at the bouncing part (I was falling asleep instead) so Cole gave up on me and went to the kitchen to get milk. I asked if it was time to lay in bed (and stop bouncing, I cant feel mah legs no more) and he shakes his head no. Next thing I know he's out cold on the kitchen floor waiting for his milk. Oy. He set up his blanket all nice for a pillow and laid down. So I chucked him in bed with his milk. That says alot about my babysitting/putting kids to bed skills eh? The floor....

I must stop eating so much. Or maybe it's just the kinds of food I eat that is the problem. Quantity or Quality? I can honestly say I never thought I'd have to assess my eating skills...in this way anyway.

My sinuses are kicking my butt again. Stupid wind. Headache AND howling wind = no sleep.

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