Woke up at 9am, almost glad that it was time to get up. I was kinda excited for the day and I didn't sleep too well. And like usualy, besides my noodles I had waffles. Then we went 1/2 block to the parade. Gotta love Health Days. Kinda fergot about it. I was supposed to meet with Natalie at Mariahs house, but... I didn't. I found Kevin and Sherri Green. Kellie's family! I invited them to watch the parade with me. Then we went to the Fair at the park together. Sheri bought us all ice cream. Sweet. We walked around and was cold. I had Dad brings some jackets. Freezing, but still good weather. We listened to the band and they got a Navajo taco and left. I wandered and found Natalie. Hung around them for awhile. Mum called (on her new cell phone) and told me they had lunch. So I walked home after buying some junk food. I was gonna get my traditional cotton candy this year. The line was too long. I found Wendy along the way. Stopped and talked. Came home and vegged on the couch. I guess I found a weird channel to watch, LMN? or something. Interesting shows. Then I stole the car around 5pm and went to Natalies new ward BBQ at Merrill park. I was kinda ornery cuz Dad and Dustin went to the junk yard to get me a seatbelt for my car. Dad said I didn't need to go and Dustin said I did afterwards. Then he wanted me to put it in myself. This is his project he's been procrastinating for weeks and he's complaining the whole time. One day he'll figger out that A) it's not that hard and B) if you do it ppl will stop nagging at you. After the BBQ I went to Best Buy to shop with Dad. Dad wanted to get a DVD player for the car for the ride to LA this month for Dallins wedding, but it was more money that he bargained for. So we wracked our brains trying to think of something for Mum. We ended up calling her and asking. She couldn't think of anything either. We had some clothing ideas so I made Dad continue shopping with me at Ross. He found a swimming suit he wanted Mum in. And then some kitchen like items. Then we headed home. I had his car and he had mine. I told him I wasn't exactly comfortable with my car yet, esp on main street at that time of night and all those excuses. He said it made him uncomfortable with me not being comfortable and wanting to take it to SLC. When I need to go somewhere and I have to take my car and its not high priority, I tend to not...go. Cuz that car gives me stress. I told him why I was nervous, b/c everyone acts/talks like I can't drive it. I don't have the support or knowledge. It's my first car and I don't know all it's quirks like they do cuz they've been driving it for like 3 weeks. So he said we'd drive it around at home. I was surprised he didn't...just ignore the problem. He offered a solution kinda. So we drove around at home and he actually told me what I was doing wrong and told me about the car. Nobody has sat down and told me about the quirks in the car and the basics on how to drive a stick. It was good and I feel much more comfortable with the car. And all it took was someone to share their knowledge of the car with me. Anyways, then I went to Lee's and got a dozen roses and Applebeer. That would make my mothers day. Jordan texted asking what I was doing. I said buying flowers. He was gonna ask why and then it clicked. Mothers Day. He's in trouble. Anyways, then I debated on delivering my Mothers Day letters because it was nine or ten at night. I drove by Alishas house, I don't know why it was hers first, but I saw some lights on and knocked. I came in and chatted a bit before giving it to her and going. It felt good to...see them again. Then I debated on stopping by Dereks house. I couldn't do it. So I moved on to Janets. Gave it to her and chatted a bit and left. I wanted to get to more Mothers today rather than tomorrow. I feel kinda anxious about getting to them all in time. I ran home to wrap all the presents I had bought today and cut and hide the other roses. I was running around the kitchen cutting roses, finding vases and then in the hallway getting wrapping and boxes and stuff. Got it all done before 11 when Mum got home. Planted her rose and letter on the table. Listened to Dad tell me how my micro card isn't working and he doesn't know how to work my MP3 player. Listened to Dustin think outloud about the car and texting Jordan trying to give him last minute ideas. Rush rush. I read my email and Kara sent me an email which made me laugh. Jokes on men. I loved this one. I'm going to use this all the time. To all the males that make fun of my lack of boobness. He says: 'I don't know why you wear a bra there's nothing to put it in' She says: 'You wear pants don't you?' Parade. Fair. Lunch. TV. BBQ. Shopping. Wrapping. Etc. Definitely one of those sit in front of the computer at the end of the day and pull off yer bra and set it on the desk while drinkin a beer.
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