{103.} Not Abandoned

Listening to: Hooked-Avant
So, T got online today, and I realized Shantelle is SO right about me. Boy am I ever SO dramatic! I'm moving about 10 minutes away, and sure I'll go to a different school but maybe it won't be SO bad. But it IS a big deal. I already started at Douglass my high school year. And then I'll go to Surratsville((maybe)) and muh 11th grade year I may even switch AGAIN..probably to Thomas Stone((preps!!)) But really, I can't do that. Hopefully that will NOT be the case. Hopefully... Okay, so what I wrote in Xanga is pretty much what I wrote here except the more exaggerated version. BTW, this update is to prove I did NOT abandon Sit. B/C I love it. And like, though it seems I am not here, I AM I just haven't had the time to update er the Site was down. Also, though I have an overload on Comments, I DO respond to them. So keep them coming. So anyways, what I wrote in the Xanga: Okay, so there's this guy down stairs all signing the papers and getting the ball rolling for us to move. Move out of Marlton, move out of our home, and move on to base, on Clinton aka "The New South-East" and like...this is all so bad. Yes, I've got plenty of family, and I'm not worried, it's just, I've made a really big like, change with myself here. I don't really want to move. It is not a given I will go to Douglass yet, either. Because I may have to go to Surratsville, unfortunately. O well. Ugh... Surratsville is also fine, but... as much as I love Rats-Ville, I really don't wanna go there. Too many problems and issues and most likely, fights...will occur. It's really not worth all that. Anyways, we aren't even moving on base all year for next year. Only up til April where we will either build a new house or buy one. Most likely in Waldorf. Which means I will switch yet AGAIN to either Thomas Stone or back to Douglass. Okay, the guy just left and it's thundering and lightning outside, and muh mom is coming, so later. -xoxo bunnii Okay, thats the entry. Alright, I'm done for tonight. xox-Dice-oxo
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stick your fingers in a dike and pray