a hot pink kangaroo bounding through a school with a machine

a kangaroo? or a paki? either way, one bounded through my school, screaming unpleasentness at all of the little bastard children. then he cornered them and tied them all up with dental floss. "mwahahahaha, i've got you now, you little sons of bitches," he said. he lined them all up against a wall and smiled. as he hopped a few hops away, he pulled a machine gun out of his pouch. turning around, he laughed a far more evil laugh than the one before, he held the trigger down, spraying the little bastards with lead. it was the best day ever. the end. : P ***** please excuse the racist comment in the beginning. i am not a racist, it just added a little flavour to the story... : P
Read 10 comments
u like the football dude cause he is the greatest of all time
the lloyd r u from detroit too
intersting diary
First... dont call us fucking stupid when u got some trippy ass wallpaper

Second... dont steal my shit.... u cant just talk about kangaroos out of nowhere...

Third.....The lady in ur backround is kinda hot actually......Mabe u could hook us up
that is randy moss of the minasota vikings im a fan u kno u live in england i live in califorinia
Dont be a wiseass u little opium writing poem bastrd

First whoever told u to write about a kangarooo thign should die

Second... gOOD POEM
Third im bust u in yo shit u extra friendly fuck
dude actually... ur kangaroo poem kicks ass,


lol it wad kick ass
----------------------------------------one shot 2 o ther goes three im bust one rite thru ur fuckin ass and that comes rite up ur ass and loops around your organs destroyin each and every one then it will come out ur mouth adding to the already foul scent
thanks and no problem..;)
haha.... oh it is, it is. very fun secret. lol. no, it isn't really. i wish i didn't have to keep it secret. anywho, i'm out. LAAATEEERRRR!!!!
P.S. nice background.
wheee! you are one step closer to earning my love! ;P