lou reed

so, what do y'all think of the new look? well, i just changed purple to black and ginger to lou reed, but i like it. : P
Read 7 comments
I like it. Black is the new... err, black.


No, you shut up.
Yeah appart from with blue. Blue kicks ass.

Like sky, and sea, and blue eyes. Yuuuum.

Ugh, now lets not start an argument... YOU shut up!
But black velvet and black lace are 2903874923874 times better.

Dude, shutthefuckup!!!
Cool.But personally...purple was happier...How come you don't see her? *Feeltheloveofane-friend* kx
hey hows it going. What have you been up to lately? Softball for me. I am really tired legs hurt pretty bad. Ya your diary is sweet. Yea you can ya know till it hurts...hehe
you've readded me! thank you, lovely.
I'm digging the new look for sure!

s e x

I suppose I know what you mean. I dislike most holidays ... although I love Halloween because it's so commercial. I like Christmas because there is still a smattering of spirituality involved....but most other holidays are just so pointless. argh.