it's up to you

hardcore kid
congrats! you're the true to the core punk. you're
probably a unseen or casualties fan. you love
your music. you love going to shows. a true
core kid. keep on thrashing

What Kind Of Punk Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla that's right you sons of bitches. i'm a bad ass punk mother fucker. *sigh* i'm so fucking bored i've resorted to doing quizzes.
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lol. i got the "average punk"

"Congrats! you're a average punk guy or gal. you don't spend countless hours trying to fit in. You love your music, and you hate having the whose more punk rock arguement. It's not a fashion to you, nor is it a fad. It's who you are when you wake up every morning and that's what counts"

dude its yoda, i am a average punk lol, woo rules
quizzes??? you seriously have stooped low from boredem, i no come visit me in Aus!! i'll make sure ur never bored ;) hahaha