my december

today sucked. wanted to hang with rizz and yoda and i couldn't because i had so much shit to do, housework, breakfast, which i only had at 1 in the afternoon, shit that i've forgotten about. on the upside, 'it takes two' was on tv, it used to be one of my sister's favourite movies and i hadn't seen it for years, so it made me all nostalgic. and it had a happy ending that made me all mooshy. damn olsen twins. DAMN THEM TO HELL. *sigh* i only have one day off next week, wednesday. i better use it wisely. ya fat bastards. i'm the lord and master. and you are all bastards. worship me, or i'll stab your eyes until you bleed. i'm the lord and master. i love foamy. he is my newest obsession. i shall buy as much neurotically yours merchandise as i can when i get paid, WOO. i'm also gonna buy the wobble and bob dvd. oh shit. i can't. gotta save up for drums. dammit. well, maybe a neurotically yours dvd or two can't hurt... later, fat bastards. : P
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Thanks! Tomorrow's the day, and I'm betting it's gunna hurt like a bitch [belly button pirercing] It's the only piercing I'm aloud to get so I figured I'd take what I can get.
hi my name is kayla fisher and i am fifteen years old and i would like to make some new friends. i am a freshman in high school at ventura high in ventura, california. i would love to get to know you better so please respond back with some information about yourself. thank you! have a wonderful day! bue, kayla fisher
hey happy aniversary lol, its mine too.not many people who r on here so long still update [rasmusskate]
this is the voice from above and it ses that you should not buy anything until you get drums or i will get my pick and ram it in your eye, shit, fuck,