i feel a little better today. i think i might be going back to school tomorrow, which suck big balls. don't have much to say today, much like yesterday. i can't really think straight, my head fucking kills. later. : P
Read 39 comments
Waha, Yes I am!! What have you to say of it skannnk?
Whatever, we both know my tongue is indestructable.
You can pray even though you're an athiest. but lol, I guess its a consolation..
And lol, I hate westerns too.. This John Wayne and Dean Martin movie.. I think I might have seen it.. But not sure.. I'll check.. Thanks ^^
I'm not so sure.

my tongue might not be able to take it.
It would not be destructed but it certainly might be traumatised.
Ooo, im being punished again! yay!
No I havent.. why?
it's simple really we can run away whenever, but i wanna stop off at georgia usa :)
oh I see!
My perfect date would be going to the movies, then to dinner, then back to who evers house to hang! Or maybe go to a rock concert, then home. Either one. How about you?
Not really concidering i broke into my mums house had about 20 people over and then hey came home....and passed out infron of he car after sayinf fuck you this is a private party lol and its only for 5 more days lol phew
Hey. Hows today been for you? Where do you live as well?

I live in England. Weather is a bitch right now. later
hey skank....why arent u on aim??
the world..

or maybe just my diary.
Come now, I'ts just ONE less groupie. I'll be back every once in a bit however to comment.

lol awe i dont really want to die tho
aww lol im sry i'll add a shady pic lol
Ah.. I see.. Intresting..

Whoa..its all...38 comments. 39 now. Well. Goo luck with that school stuffs.
No worries... no offence taken, happy days my brother!
If you are SOOOO ILL, why do you have the strength to get on the computer HUH?????? HUHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ANSWER ME THAT
Can you find me?
Lloyd...Why arent you on aim...>_< we need to talk...Ive got some sad news...S.
I would love to start over,

Hi my name is Ashley and I live in Michigan. Were do you live. I am 15 turning 16 in September. How old are you? I love sports, music, friends, movies, dancing, drinking, drugs, and sex. What do you like to do?

I will talk to you later.

I am catholic! Whys that harsh...
hahah pshaw
oh please get better soon! i just can't bear the thought of you being sick.

how's that?

And no wonder I haven't heard of mrs bucket. I'm american. haha. Silly British Humour. (sad sigh)
alrighty then. you in school? yes?
i was really sick the other the point of delerium. i think i made some pacts with friends and stuff...i could've joined a cult. just dont go near the phone.
where the heck do you live
okay yeah.
I'll just never say anything.
i might be hung and burned.

boohoo, just for being an american
Well thanks, I guess I'm not too shabby really! Why do find that other dudes suck?

Hope your head freshens up too. later
Most guys I know are quite alright, some are dodgey and plain fake... but yeah, I know what you mean. Catch you later
thank u lol
glad ur feelin better even tho that dus mean u had to go 2 skool blech. the dreaded word.

lol thanks i like your diary lol ya shadys my friends jamies cat hes a kool cat lol i love him
AWESOME!!! i wish i lived in europe or somewhere! im from georgia, usa..hhhhhah not a hick =).
wow... i think that is the most random comment ive ever recieved in my entire life... i shall cherish it forever!