
a miss niccola hicks in year 13 alleges that i 'stuck my hand up her skirt and felt around.' FUCKING BULLSHIT. she also alleges that big kris, johnny with a big johnny and feem made derogatory comments about her and other sexual-assault type advances. NOOOOOOO. i, quite frankly, am not the type of person who would maliciously assault a person in that manner. mrs. nicholson stood up for my colleagues and i in that respect. now the bitch is gonna stick me in some deep shit at home, as ms. garner is contacting my mother. and when my father finds out, i can kiss the enjoyableness of my holiday goodbye. in fact, he'll probably keep me in south africa and put me in some kind of boarding school again. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. this is the first time i've thought about shit this way. damn. i might have to end my life pretty damn soon, or run away and hobo around. all thanks to one stupid bitch who has space issues. : P ---> : ) ---> : | ---> : ( ***** isn't that once every 1.6 entries. shit, i need to start saying 'fuck' more!! : ?
Read 36 comments
how old is she?


you think that would give you all the more reason to.

well she sounds retarded anyway.
yeah, ive seen them orange country drums and theyre fucking sweet
yeah, i suck at drums and i dont have enough cash to get a kit right now. *sighs* unless im filthy rich or i play drums in a gigging band i wouldnt be getting a real flash kit
lol. At least you can say you have a band :p I do play in a band but we can never get a song done.
kitchen utensils. lol. I play in my high school band called void. we're a wierd bunch. I listen to CKY and most punk and metal, my guitarist listens to ramstein and the drummer listens to pretty decent stuff except avril lavigne. We keep switching singers and that prolly caused the no-songs prob, but the present one is all jazzy and stuff, but most of the stuff i write are rockish
sounds like a bunch of crap to me. well thanks for the comments keep reading. u stay cool 2. later.

Love always,
i thoroughly enjoy the word 'fuck' -- i simply thought you needed one more. ;-)
yeah. it really is my fault, but i don't care anymore. and yeah...i really liked getting around by walking or skating but in the winter i'm like..always screwed over cause it's too cold. but in my town there's nothing to do or nowhere to it's better to have a car most of the time i guess. that probably made no sense.
yea, about all i watch is the simpsons
well i barely ever watch t.v so yea...
oh haha. well thas very good then.
and i can understand that. when im really mad all i ever do is OVeR exaggerate the situation.
oooooh, that's not cool on so many levels...

One of the sucky things is that a girl can cry rape and people will believe her and it's really hard to disprove it. Ugh, some people suck hard ass.
so then why is this bitch talkin shit? whys she lying?
this isnt fair
i have a plan
you can run away
somehow fly over here
and then stay with me

this girl sounds like a faget
year 13, theres no such thing?

love hannah
miss niccola hicks is fuckin NOT COOL!
hahahaha.....girls will be girls

why do u hate formals? theyre fun!
if i move over seas ill be moving this June to stalk you properly...and if i move...

I shall stalk you like a tiger stalking an elk in the forest..
I looove donuts!!!

I lovve donuts

I looooooooove donuts

dude...come stalk me for once...

"MOMMM....How come Jake gets all the forplay and i dont get any??" *shudders at thought*

When i get down..i sing a song..and it goes "fuck fuck fuck a duck screw a kangaroo 69 a porcupine ORGY AT THE ZOO!!" see...didnt you smile??

Aw you smiled...
Thats so cute..

ps...Im watching you...

Sp Swizzal sticks

o.O stalker...
smile :]
haha wow. i SAID.. dont say "fuck me" unless you wish for me to follow through with that command.

well then...!!! what are we waiting for?

Dude: I just worked it out; you've written "fuck" in your journal 44 times across just 71 entries. That's a 1.6 occurance per entry.
I SHOULD say something really HOTT right now.. but i wont, for the kids.

Yea, she's cool, but she invaded my privacy, and thats one thing I can stand. WTF? What's all that about? Id she off her rocker or somefink?
Yea, man, she sounds totally out of it!
That sucks... I hope you get it all worked out. You can't get sent to a boarding school, thats not fair, especially if you're innocent!
NUU! *clings to you* You can't kill yourself! *holds on tightly*
well you cant say it unless you want me to follwo through..

[oh detritus]
ryn: lol ok.. well that makes me feel better ~mel
i dont remember what i commented yea.
year 13..hmm im not sure what that equals to in grades.

felt around? well if you had done that wouldnt she have reacted before you could have "felt around"??

or did you actually do that...
wow. sorry about all the crap. you shouldnt kill yourself tho. how old is year 13? maybe you should start doing things to center yourself.
yes, yes it is....
uhm, yo.
hey, i think u need to say fuck at least one more time. FUCK. there u go, donut.
i wish i have a drumkit. I have a bass and 2 guitars :p
oh wow. that sucks
but dont worry about it im sure nothing that bad will happen to ya.