
'i'm the lord and master, and you are all bastards. worship me, or i'll stab your eyes 'til you bleed. i'm the lord and master.' : P
Read 8 comments
lol thanks ok ill worship u but can u still poke my eyes out?
haha I read a few entries back just to catch up and I saw your lil messege to me, and hmm i guess i never really thought of that hah.

Hopefully we'll see each other on AIM sometime? Communication between us kinda got cut off pretty goddamn abruptly hah.
annnd a new girrrlay? do tell us more!!

Until then.. keep it pure SEX, Pink!

a rockstar, eh? i can totally see it. ♥ you'd be way good at that.
Squirlly guy.
lovely thanks grr
hahaha, no nothing quite happened with a flute at band camp :P
I just got back!, how exciting! :P
3 days of "Cowboy" babay!, woo hoo!

anyways, have fun,
that is so awsome!!! SQUEE!!! hehehe ok :)
hail master... lol... *bows*