ordinary fight

okay, no more quizzes for a while. quizzes are stupid and the last one i took was a load of bollocks. there aren't different kinds of punks. punk is punk. it's an attitude, a lifestyle, not a fucking fashion trend. if you're a punk, fine, be a punk. if you're not a punk, fuck off and stop pretending, you fucking plastic whore. so i'm not hopelessly single any more. i know razzle is going to leave some kind of paedophile comment. yeah, my girlfriend, jess, is 13. pssh, age is just a number, you label whore bastards. die... die now, you smug bastards... : P
Read 13 comments
Age is a number...And Jess is cool. Who cares what people say..
The only wierd thing is that she's my friend.
Luff and stuff
legal?? for wat?? i dunno what ur legal age is for shit over there but 16 here sure isn't much, oh and i agree age ahouldn't matter, catchya
from google.com
ooh u r loved up are you?well good and lucky for some!and 13...well u know the deal...most girls mature way faster than u blokes anyway lol ttys kathy
I would never leave a comment like that because u asked me not to =( Do u not trust me that much?? *weeps*
i needed that. ty. :)
It's really cool that you have a girlfriend. And as long as you really like the girl, I don't see anything wrong with her being younger than you. I hope things work out for the two of you!
pool is fun. my drunk french nieghbours taught me how to play/
aww, no age don't matter! But that is a lil young but eh, glad your with someone

paedophile ...
i agree joesufff thats really really fucked up...age doesnt matter when you like 40 and 25 not 18 and 13
how did you get a background on your diary? I would really like to put one on mine.