the perfect drug

hey y'all. listening to the perfect drug versions right now. love NIN! anyhow, last night was fun. except now i have £4 left from 100. *sigh* went to old orleans with yoda and a bunch of other people. had nachos a bison burger. i was a little disappointed at myself, i couldn't even eat my jacket potato. i did eat as much sour cream as i could though. and i chugged down the remains of two peoples desserts, both had about half left. it killed me. razzle'd be disappointed by my poor perfromance. :( anyhow, not much else to say, so i'll be seeing ya. : P
Read 7 comments
Yo! Llodyish! How's Transmet?
Oh, and hey, have you heard the newsest, leaked songs by Nine Inch Nails? "Getting Smaller" seems to be the easist to find.
Coo.Have you read any of the other ransmet volumes? I've got 0-5 at mum's place, and 6-10 here at Dad's place. Oh, and can you get (if you havent already) volume 2 to bob plz? He's dying to read it.

I can do you NIN cds as soon as i have my MP3 folder back again.
hey long time no talk. hows it goin?
Thank you for the comment, right on!
Im in Love with you!
first off, i am a wee bit, but u did finish the ice creams and second you wanted to know who David Courtney was from the Rancid song. Used to drum, met up w/ leo Sayer, write some songs split up.Leo did "feel like dancing. Dave still active in music, actually rather major in music, behind the scenes kinda deal.
yeah i can see that: that sd gets good to hear from ya though:) it's the easter hols for me now=revision *boohoo* sat my hist essay today,scary but went ok *hopes* ttyl, luv k.