
school was bullshit today, but i got out of physics quite easy, just told the teacher, "there's actually no way i'll be able to make it through this lesson without falling asleep or dying," in referral to my jetlag. worked like a charm. : P
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If you'd allow me to.
Well can I ever be quite sure?
Can I always be sure that you'll allow me to have your way with me?
Well i'm planing on posting pictures, but i honestly dont have the time to set everything up, everytime i'm on here its when i'm at work, and now i wont have too much time either, cuz i just got year end stuff to do....but i will try just for you ;-)

I'm quite sure that you wont be disapointed.... ;-)

Don't worry it'll be worth it ;-)
I promis*
props to you for telling the teacher how it is. i do that quite often, and get detention for it :-

i guess i've been having fun all week, even though i've been sick for most of it.

and i don't evenk now what i think about that pic. i don't even like it. i'm going to change it. the next one will be all brutal and i'll even write "donut" on it and hope for your approval..?

alright i've said enough.
aww shucks.. well my sn is blesseddetritus if you even get this in time.
haha yesssss! cats rule. :D :P I love cats too, and dogs. I'm just, an animal lover! :D :P
and wtf is jetlag?
lmao. wouldn't go that far. :P ;)