manga ideas

i've decided to make a manga. beth has a rare blood disease. she becomes ill and dies in hospital. she wakes up in the hospital bed, to a distorted, surreal view of the world. any suggestions for what happens to her? later : )
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Right now I'm reading a manga called about a demon king named Ororon. It's really great. Theres one thats my all time fave, but I can't remember its name. It's in my locker right now...
thanks. i will its gonna be a cosutme party wheeeeeeeee
halloween party
Okay. Here's my email and its also my msn messenger thingy.

I'll scan Ryoko's pick and email it to you. ^^
No. I havem't ever got around to it. But I'll draw her and see if I can scan it for you. ^^ Ah, a seductive wink. ;p
Yea, but what did you wink for? *blonde*
Yea. I just draw anyone. I've made up a character name Ryoko. She's changed a little over the years, but she's the only one I've stuck with.
Eh? Whats the ;) about?
OMG! So do I. Cats are the greatest animals. I love neko's too. ^^ I like all kinds of artists. I usually draw cutesy ppl.
Yes, I love to draw anime/manga. ^^ I'm not too good at drawing boys, though.
Not yet. I do in like 15 minutes, though. Sure, you can add me. ^^ I love making new friends. ^^
*laugh* I'll try to find it. Can I add you to my friends list?
I haven't. T.T I bet its great, too... MUST READ MORE MANGA! *determined nod*
im who youd call a loner the one outside the clan but all know m as koda rain alexandria (last naem) you can call me koda :)
Yea, I would love to go to Japan, too. ^^ I love Japanese guys... *sighs*
It would be so great to travel. I've been in this little town my whole life. I would love to travel around, but I'd be scared to leave for good. ^^ All my friends and family are here.
I'm sorry. but that's cool. 4 times a week, that's how it was back then...the old days...wasn't a good time.
hey thanks for the comment, and it still kills me to walk by where she used to lay and watch the other cat look for her...itll be ok tho...shes better off now
when I was 15 I got wasted 4 times a week too. then I watched wasted people whily being sober - it opened my eyes.
Where do you go to school at? South Africa? UK? ^^
A little town in Tennessee... *sighs* DCHS. Poor little school.
I'm on a school computer and its a blocked site. Stupid computer...
Yea, she is very pretty. ^^ I love her wings!
I love your piccy up ther. ^^ I love Manga!
well im in the 10 grade imma girl(duh) i have black hair blonde eyes im in band (manager and flute) uhh i have no boyfiredn(or girlfriend) like to read draw sing anime ea and sleep