-Cackles- O.o! I heart people..

Listening to: The Starting Line
Feeling: alone
-Laughs hysterical, to the point of tears and falls out of chair then gets back up and shoves the rest of M&M's in mouth THEN types what I'm here for.- HAH! Holy shit you people that read this, I got this little thing from an 'anonymous' person about the whole Dana thing I'm assuming and I just find it horribly funny because, first off, that was just the fight that gave her a hint as to that it was over because there were PLENTY more over things that would be far too complicated for some of the likes of people on this site so I didn't post them and at the moment I was highly pissed off and somewhat excited that maybe, just maybe I got the bitch off my case for she has been since she moved in down the road. You may think I'M the shallow bitch but let me just say that SHE's the one that deserved everything I said about her, whether it was to her face or not directly, which most of which wasn't said to her was repeated in our arguments. Would YOU like me to take the time out of my night and explain to you what exactly has happened between me and her over SIX fuckin' years? Would that satisfy you? For me to prove that I am not the bitch you make me out to be..Well, yeah. Maybe the whole fight I posted was VERY immature, but it was the same on her part and again, there is more logic between that but I haven't got the time of day to explain it all because honestly, you don't care because I don't care about that person anymore. I no longer speak to her except when she comes at me and tries to bring me down as she has done for the past three years now and you know, talking the common sense about her 'Lord' seems to shut her up real fast. Again, oh so anonymous person, call me the bitch all you want, but hell, at least I get a title from you. -bows- NOW THAT I AM DONE MY LITTLE WHOLE THINGY BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS MADE ME LAUGH AND ANGERED AT THE SAME TIME...-bows to floor and takes deep breaths- Ok, well lets see the weekend with my computer back..was pretty uneventful I played kickball at least 4 times and each time it seemed SOMEONE was online and they always wanted to play at the wrong times..How I hate little kids..I absolutely despise them and I had two of them over playing in the sand and my mom told me to tell them to go home and stop digging in her dirt which I went out and easily did but then they started their stupid crying, whining and asking questions and I swear on Johnny and Davey that if there Mom didn't call them when she did I would have stabbed them both AT LEAST 33 times. Bwahahaha. I'm just so loveable, and that, my dears, is why I shall never be having children nor babysit ever again or even bother with any of the little freaks until maybe, just maybe my personality will grow and I will become the over-happy psychotic math teacher that I have grown to love..(Heh. YEAH RIGHT!) Well anyway, hope you guys all enjoy school this week, unless of course you are super cool like me and have the whole week off..Adios muchachos and muchachas.. ...Heh. Not done yet..I was looking through all my little comment thingys, whatever the hell they are called and I was told I hate the U.S. -slaps knee- WOW! Just another reason why my entry title says it all...I don't hate the U.S. actually, I just hate things about it, the way things are so hypocrtical and the most thing I hate of all is religion, that's all nothing more and nothing less, Yeah I'm not saying that I want to move away to some foreign country, I'm saying that I'm sick of how the world, especially this country is looked at, how it's views are, just a lot of things. And yesh, it's all my opinion and isn't everyone entitled to such a thing? I don't want everyone to like me, in fact, I would rather have everyone either hate me or ignore me because most people tend to just annoy the hell out of me. Not to mention any names or anything...Well again..this time..I am REALLY going.
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