On with nothing serious

Feeling: decaffeinated
Steps ascend to a loaded gun. The scent of matches hangs in the air. We don't want to see this: a flash of light that's letting go of an empty bullet case, by the time it hits the ground, I'm out of reach. Let go. --- So it is Monday - the end of weekend, a weekend in which people do things. Have I? Maybe. I had a driving range thing to do for Driver's Ed where he had these cones set up to do different things, I did swell with the driving up and turning and the whole weaving in and out until it came to driving all the way forward and having to reverse in a straight line. ... I DIDN'T DO IT! Hah. I hit a cone the first time and then got two down my second time. I was the only person who did that too! It was so pathetic. I guess the fact that I have never been able to cut or draw in straight lines will affect how I cannot reverse correctly. ^.^ And this is why you should fear me on March 12, 2005 as it is the supposed date of me having a license. What else did I do on Saturday? I tagged along with my mother to Kohl's and then Target on Saturday and I am still trying to think of the reason as to why. To get out of the house? Maybe? Either way it was very boring as both stores have really bad clothes and that was why my mom said I should come. I did get this pink Hello Kitty cup when I was at Target! It is SO awesome, it has a straw on the outside and it goes around the outside of the cup so that's how you drink it. Hah! It even has little duckies on it too. Jess is cool, YOU are not. My mother forced me to do a major clean out of my room on Sunday, that was even more FUN! I did find my cell phone after I had lost it for at least four months. Where was it? Under the frickin bed! So now that I have found it again I went back to texting all the people that I used to. I felt loved everytime the phone beeped to show I had a text because the people actually remembered me. I really don't like people to call me since I am against the phone as it is, but if anyone wants to text me and make me feel all happy the number is 678-438-4599. Two weeks from today I go back to school. Do you know how much that fucking sucks? TWO WEEKS! AHHHHH! I am also going to be an older sister again on Friday when John and Nick return from Philadelphia with my dad. Yeck. I was enjoying not having them around every day... I guess going back to school is good in the fact that I am now an Upperclassmen and it brings me just one year closer to leaving. But, IT'S SCHOOL! -le sigh- It's also back to school shopping this week. I hate going. My hair is getting dyed on Wednesday or Thursday. In perfect time for my dad to see it and fall in love since I am going to a Braves game with them on Saturday. Hah. Now lets all laugh at Jess... I fell down our steps this morning, thankfully no one was home to see or anything. I have to limp as I can barely put any weight on my left foot and on my arm there is a large scratch and my head is throbbing with one of the worst headaches I have ever had. Laugh it up... Would you rather... Have regular encounters with aliens and not have any proof OR have your best friend be invisible? -_- All the time we've wasted, spent fighting, it's blood and it's running down the stairs. Freeze the frame between the gun shot and the hole it makes, a spinning bullet waits in the middle. There's no way to stop it, it will surely hit the mark. You can try to understand, but I'm giving up...
Read 68 comments
omg, are you serious? what happend to her? [sorry for all these questions, im just so shocked]. why did she do it? i feel so bad. she was a very good person. i wish i could have done something to change things around..

the world is so unfair
woah..july??? man...lol
heh..im actually an alien!
mmyes they do rock!...but waht about the sit user "dead poetic" ..he doesn't kick ass? :(

Did she really kill hersalf I cant believe it. My dear Attila. Im so sorry...words cant describe... they seem useless.
I saw it on Erika's comments.
I feel horrible.
Even though I knew her less than either of you.
Just through this site.
But people like her aren't supposed to die.
It shouldn't be real.

I hope you're doing alright.
What little hope I had that things really do get better died with Attila. I cannot handle this.
People have reacted the same way towards me-"Why are you so upset? You never even met her!" They will never understand. I try to tell myself that she has no pain anymore, but I cannot get over my hatred for this world for taking her. She has not left my mind since I read the terrible news. She will never leave my mind. I can't believe she's gone. I want to wake up. I want to find out it was all some cruel joke. Yet I know I will not wake up.
I am so very much sorry to hear that. It's so much of a shock to me. I didn't think anyone would really do this kind of action to themselves over a harsh time of their life. It's sad, very sad. I have a lot of sympathy toward her. I hope she finally has the peace she longed. If things were different, for the better...She would be happier [i hope that is]. Take care, and thanks for letting me know.
I spent all of yesterday in the fetal postion in my room in darkness with candles and AFI, crying my eyes out. I don't know how to deal with this. I know you were even closer to her than I was, I only hope we can both find the strength to get through this. I will be here if you ever want to talk. I wish I had more words of comfort, but I cannot find them for myself. I can't believe she's gone...
Hey. I didnt ever have the joy of meeting her in person, but we did talk a lot online. I didnt know too much about her, but I knew she was a good person and was loved by lots. I'm sorry to all of you that knew her. Even though I never met her, I still feel weird about it. I cant believe kids can just take their lives away like nothing. Its horrible. Take care now. Dont do anything that will hurt yourself ok? I'm sorry. Bye -Ronnie Rivera
Oh my god. I can't belive this. Attila. God...I don't even know what to say. I...there are no words. This is too much....
I dunno if you read these comments anymore, but I paid 50 dollars for my Clandestine thingy on ebay using buy it now. There is a used one for that amount on amazon (you're still buying it from someone else) and also a new one for 100 on amazon. I don't remember what is left on ebay, I know there are a couple copies for sale there though. You're looking at at least $50 though.
i realllli like ur diary. i love AFI.. uhh ya :-)

;nothin but love ;
Dude! I took my piercing out! It started bleeding really bad! i mean like gushing out blood....and i was at magic mountain! So i took it out... I think it got infected.... so trust me don't get your tounge pierced... anything but your tounge...
school makes me vomit upon its wrought iron gates

well not literally...
Sorry about double posts. I have been the 'goth girl in the corner' and will be next semester especially, as I have NO classes with ANY of my friends. The first day of school three people asked me if I was gothic. My response for this year is "If you have to ask, you'll never know." I know at least 50 more people will ask me before the school year is over, so I want to have an answer ready so I don't murder someone and end up in jail.
I'm so lazy, I unno when I'll ever get the rest of my trip things posted on my diary.Maybe I'll just suck it up and get it all done and get it over with.
oh how i wish her family didnt have them, even though iam not sure id want to see or read them. i would like to see the sketch thou, and ("maybe") the note? and the one that was written to me,
...i wish i could have recieved a goodbye..

.."and the world goes on, and we still die..."
by any chance have you gotten ahold of anything of attilas..i wish so much to read the note...is there anything you/i/we can do?

I know the feeling. I did alot of crying in the past few weeks until suddenly it stopped. I am not sure what happened but suddenly now I feel nothing as well. I know what you are enduring for I am enduring it as well. Yes a glass box....I would lvoe to be encased away from everyone and everything to finally have some peace...Maybe then my mind could finally rest..
Just checking to make sure you're alright...and I hope things are better for you..
How have my previous entires helped you?
youre right. that issue of AP was awesome. i bought it the day it came out lol. i was trying to find that picture online so i could use it on my diary. yea people have really been pissing me off a lot lately too. so am i sensing a little crush on davey there?

Thanks for your comments. You are one of the few people who ever actually care to read what I type.

Depression is very much a part of teen years. I wish that wasn't the case, but there's always ups and downs. One day I'm unhappy and the next I'm perfectly fine.

I'm still awaiting an update from you. I miss reading your entries, I always found them quite interesting.

Have a good day =)

I'm not posting here anymore. For reasons obvious to you all. You may IM me at quacklikeaduck8 or saltforwounds13 on AIM. cptnjcksparrow88@hotmail.com for MSN and when the rare chance occurs that I log onto yahoo its cptnjcksparrow88 for that also. My cell number, as I got a new one is 678-520-1513.

And this is goodbye for those that I do not leave comments to.
Yes it's true..I feel like I have known her my whole life. She was so easy to talk to. I never got to say goodbye either..I hate to have to make it past-tense as well....I wish every day of my life she will come back...It hurts now and she will never be forgotten. She will live on in my heart always..
I'm so lazy, I unno when I'll ever get the rest of my trip things posted on my diary.Maybe I'll just suck it up and get it all done and get it over with.
Thankyou so much for telling me... I just read it and now I can't stop crying...I don't understand why someone so young and so beautiful would do this.. Well I shouldn't say that we all have our reasons....I only knew her through here. But I still felt like I knew her.....I miss her greatly....and I am here whenever you need me....I am gonan go and cry more so now.. She will be greatly missed......
Jess, thank you for informing me about the death of my dear friend Attila. Although I never met her, she was a friend in mine eyes and I will miss her dearly.
hello, thank you for telling me, i would have never known, and my worries would have grown..is there anyway we or I can see what the note said that was written to me? or sketchs..or are they to rest in peace with her..and only you and hers eyes can see.?
thank you for telling me jess. oh i wish i knew what to say.
<3 jenn
Im deeply sorry to hear about your friend that passed on the 3rd of Spetember. I hope you're alright. It just breaks my heart to hear things like that...
i would suffer a great amount of pain if i lost someone i truly cared about and who meant so much to me. i dont really know what else to say... im speechless.
..what? oh my god.. i.. i didn't know..
Jess would rather have encounters with aliens and not bother with telling anyone anyway because I am THAT frickin selfish and want to keep the idea of having aliens as friends to myself. I get enough stares as it is, let alone walking through stores talking to no one. [I am so damn cool that I comment on my own entry about the answer to the question that I asked. w00t!]
haha good luck with the driving... and cleaning room... wow... my parents make me do that... when i can nolonger see the floor they make me clean it *sigh* anyway, nice diary... i love the background.... afi nice
-Chelsea xoxox
..Love your diary..
HEY i have a question, how do you get those.. things in the background, the pictures of davey!?! AHH ive been trying but I have NOO clue. Uh.. tap me back. haheh.
I hate school That's why i didn't go today. Shhh... it's a secret. LOL. -Karla
haha, I would kill people driving.

School=EEEEVIIIIIL. yech. what color ish you gettin your hair dyed?
Thank you so much and Tyler is amazing and makes me so happy
ooh regular encounters, then I'd have new friends and I wouldn't have to share bwahaha
I am BACK and in AWE of AFI and I thank YOU because...of the whole AFI thing...yes.

Aw man, you have to go abck to school in 2 weeks? Wow I don't have to go back for 6 weeks...

evil and wicked I know. But hey, the devil had to come into the world somehow...
Yes, I am going into the 11th grade. I too am unhappy at school, and this is made worse by the fact that I have to wear uniforms. It wouldn't be as bad if I could wear red shirts or black shirts but noooo...I have ugly school colors of green and gold. The reason I am making you wait for the entry about my trip is just to be mean. But feel special, because I am only mean to the people I love.
Fucking shit. I got DSL everyone, but now it is not letting me put up a new entry. If anyone wants to be of assistance email me at thisismylife@mail2dictator.com Yeah, I had to change my fucking e-mail because it doesn't let me get on Yahoo. I don't know if people read these or not but if you do email me so I can ask you to post the entry for me by sending it that way with my password. Please? Hope everyone's days have went well.
I think school causes a lot of unwanted stress. There's all of that work, and then putting up with everyone's bullshit. I'm in no hurry to get back to all of that again.

I'll be a junior next year, but I should be a senior. I went to pre-school for 2 years. It sucks being kept back an extra year like that, I'm older than most of the people in my classes.
I'd rather have an encounter with aliens and just not tell anyone about it then be seen talking to someone invisible.

It sucks that school starts in 2 weeks for you. I have about a month before I have to go back. Nooo, I'm not ready!
man, jess, I've been at VU for 6 weeks and you write more entries then, than ever. Sorry I haven't been here to comment and help you.
I fall down the stairs all of the time. I hope everything is going good, we never talk anymore :-/
Oh dear, it appears my comment pic is not showing up. Bother. I hope I did not get your hopes up and then bring them crashing back down when you saw how many comments you have, only to find out how many were from me.
Oh, how could I forget to answer the question thingy? I can't really decide which would be better. An invisible friend could be fun because they could steal things and screw around with people you didn't like. But aliens might be fun to hang around with. Unless they were the evil probing ones.
I was going to write about my trip last night, but the site was being a dookie head. Yes, thats right, I said dookie head. So (since I'm lazy right now) tomorrow I will talk about it. I know you are on the edge of your seat waiting to read about it. Its okay, you don't have to hide it. My DF armband came today, any ideas on what to do with it?
I finally got my tounge pierced!Aren't you proud????:)
I'm so lazy, I unno when I'll ever get the rest of my trip things posted on my diary.Maybe I'll just suck it up and get it all done and get it over with.
School wasn't as bad as I thought. My Spanish teacher is a bitch like I expected, but my English teacher rocks. She's sarcastic and funny, and likes serial killers. I didn't spill anything on myself but the table in graphics class got this dirt junk on my pants <.< Anyway, do you have a LJ yet? I have one but don't write in it; I use LJ for the communities. I have the same sn as on this site on lj.
HeHe oh i know. I heart text messageing people. Especially if there like those random notes. Hmm i dont know if i told you already (probably did) but i love your backround. LaUra
haha thats a funny comment pic- haha i feel like that alot! lol
Dude what if your best friend was invisible and an alien - then you couldn't have proof cause no one could see it!

Oh man.
I'm going to see The Cure tomorrow.
It shall be great.

I give school an F+ for being dumb.

bye! and love!
Yay for purple hair!! haha. glad the squirrel's safe OO; ^^
I mean like..OKAY so maybe I got it..
So you put that URL in the color box's under preferences.. unstead of like FFFFFFF or something? argg.. tehe.
Tap me back.
Thanks thanks. HeHe you found your cell phone under your bed. We needs th0se <3 LaUra
Hello again Jess, ol' buddy ol' pal! Yes, you are indeed cool while I am not. But you knew that already. ;) I am a bad driver too, luckily you don't have to take a behind-the-wheel test to get a permit! How do you like my new comment pic? Anyway, I would text message you but I have no cell phone. And I hope that your pains from falling down go away soon. I also hope you laughed at yourself. Because you can't fall and not laugh at yourself.
you have to work VERY hard to be a dork with me. Bwahah.
I had 2 out of my 10 fingernails green the other day. colours also included orange, violent pink, glittery lilac, and black!
I've never really thought about how much it would suck to be the youngest in the class, but I guess that would be just as bad as being the oldest.

I wish I was graduating this year...instead of in 2 years. I don't know if I can take much more of the highschool drama bullshit.

Sometimes I think it'd be nice to move somewhere where nobody knows me and I can start all over...or just be home schooled. Ahh, who knows.
I start school wednesday. I have so much to do before then. At least I'm basically done with the schoolwork. I will probably interrupt the writings of the trip to write about my first day of school. I have my schedule already and it sucks. No classes with my friends, and none of the teachers I wanted. Plus a class I didn't even sign up for. This year is gonna suck ass. Oh well...much lurve to ya!
afi rocks
So again, I ask that someone email me so I can get the entry up. After this, I may just stop writing and go over to LJ, even though I know nothing of HTML at that site. That is, if the DSL suddenly works and lets me post.
-Ways to contact Jess-
AIM: quacklikeaduck8
MSN: cptnjcksparrow88@hotmail.com
YIM: deathofseasonsafi13
e-mail: thisismylife@mail2dictator.com

I scarcely go on YIM just so you know. Contact me if you so please.
If you do know Attila, please leave a comment letting her know that you do care and you are here for her the same way Daniel would be, just minus the person-to-person talking. I am not TELLING you to do this, just asking. Those small words, though you may not think much of them mean everything to her just to know that people in her life care. She doubts this everyday, she only thinks people like her because of her looks or they pity her.
Also, to friends of Attila that may grace upon this also: She has taken an extended leave of absence from everything which includes the computer. I received a message on my cell phone telling me this Sunday at 6:30. Daniel has came back, but from what I perceived in what she said on the message is that he is avoiding her. Those that have read her words do know how much he means to her so him to not give one word, has impacted her severly.