In this diary I abuse..

Listening to: Slayer
Feeling: destructive
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines. You almost made me cry again this time. Another false alarm, red flashing lights... --- Of the times I complain of my mother, I must also express my appreciation for her on this special day that is HERS. The weekend of actually doing something happened to me these past three days or so and since all of things which I did are quite rare I decided why should I not share what exactly they were with those that read this? Nice, eh? Friday - My mother, Sharon, Butch, Dave, Mary and myself got in my mom's car and then drove off to the fields to watch John's baseball game, they lost, again. It was told to us that John's team will be playing a tournament over the weekend in June in the lovely town of Pensacola in Florida. Whoot.. -twirls finger- Then after the usual game conversation and lack there of. John and Jordan decided to play their stupid little last minute who sleeps over whom's house so we stood around in the parking lot for 15 minutes since they were idiots and could not figure out the easy things. Almost got hit by two cars in that time and I just luffed the comments and stares directed to myself due to the hair,as it was spiked in some sort of mohawk, for I will not call it that due to distincly saying it was not a mohawk in Leonard's class. After the game I watched much more movies while they got drunk and laughed over and over, like the damn energizer bunny banging on the frickin drum. Saturday - I started on the short story written by Stephen King entitled Secret Window, Secret Garden -- The inpsiration for the Johnny Depp flick which is due out on DVD on June 22 and the cover of the DVD is wicked awesome, just to inform those who have not seen it. Finished it by the time of 3 and then my mother called and asked if I wanted to go to the Varsity[food place set in Atlanta and Athens, Georgia residents would know what it serves.] and then a Georgia Tech baseball game with John and the members of his team who would be coming. I had nothing better to do with my time so I went. Some little idiot then asked me why I was wearing my hair in a mohawk and I responded by asking him why he asked stupid questions. Bwaha. So then after barely eating the food as it was not that great to begin with all 18 people get up and leave and go to the stadium. It was mucho better than John's games as well as the professional ones. So I enjoyed myself and to avoid from clapping and other such things when the little crowd-getter tunes came on I said I was a DUKE fan. Heck yesh! I devote myself to the catcher, number 12 something Hernandez on the Duke baseball team. The guy looked very very good.. ~.^ Sunday - I was supposedly supposed to go to the air show today but on Saturday I asked to go to the mall/Hot Topic next weekend so I could get an AFI and HIM shirt in addition to other things that the amount of money I had would allow me but to make sure I really wanted to go, which I did not she said we could go shopping today and we did that. I had to go to K-mart to buy some tank tops and such to go with the bathing suits I bought since this summer I will be wearing the male version of swimming wear. Then we finally got to the mall and I got my mother to buy me another pair of pants that are super baggy with the very awesome bondage and mucho amounts of pockets. Then with my own money bought a heartgram shirt and wristband, some more black bracelets, pink semi-permenant hair color which will slowly start to wash out with each shampoo, a heartgram patch and an AFI one to place on my bookbag and this AFI little art doll and I would tell you the name but I no longer remember it and I would be too lazy to look. It was only seven bucks on clearance. Oh! And a pirate skull and crossbone wrist cuff that was super awesome and black and red fishnet arm warmers. They all frickin' rock! And if you do not think so.. go spend your money elsewhere. If the mall was not so far away and I actually had my license [which I should be getting any day after March 11 of next year] I would so be would be working at that store. They offered me a place there too but then found out I was only 15 and only gave me an application to have put on file for a latter date. -sniffle- Boo hoo. I feel a little selfish for doing all this on Mother's Day when really it should be her having all the better things bought for her. I think I am going to just buy her a b-lated something or other the next time we go out to Target. Or just finish the powerpoint presentation I had started. Gah! I just talked badly about her and now I go to feeling guilty for having things bought for me. Things really are complicated no matter what you do, or do not do. How I hate it so.. Sorry to complain of such things as well. Next week at school marks the countdown of three weeks left, three more weeks of waking up at 6:30 and having to deal with the hair and bloody annoying task of applying make-up as I cannot go a day without, not that I would be of the population of the females in my school that practically cake the stuff on, I keep it to a bare minimum of heavy lined eye liner, black eye shadow mascara and the conceleaor to help lessen the ugly marks on my face called pimples. That would be all, though now that I list it out maybe the daily things I put on are not that few. -sigh- Oh well, if I stick to the dark clothing no one can call me a prep. Bwaha. Labels suck, everyone should just erase them from their minds and quit sticking titles to people. Or, if that be the case then the world should just drop their first names and just go by the things that society and other people have called/labeled them as. -holds out hand- Hello my name is Poser-Fat-Depressed-Insomniac-Drug Problem-Liar-Ugly-Loser-Obessive Compulsive-Worthless-No talent-Stupid-Idiot-Pessimist-Cynical-Dead Campbell. Yeah, I like that mucho better already. -_- I could say I was excited to be a junior, but I am looking at a good four amounts of major tests/exams and the subjects of Chemistry, Algebra 2 and Spanish 2 will be delivered my way let alone the knowledge that college selecting and SAT taking is only around the corner. Therefore, this summer what I will ultimately end up becoming once highschool and college are away from me will have to be decided THIS summer. I wish the days of barbie playing and crying when someone steals your doll were still around. And now I shall stop whining.. May you think, because without it we are nothing. -_- I think I made it a game to play your game and let myself cry. I buried myself alive on the inside so I could shut you out. And let you go away for a long time...
Read 9 comments
Gah 29 days left of school for me. I hope it goes by fast. I hate waking up early every morning just to start another day of bullshit. I liked your entry...the part about labeling. I hate labels.

Have a nice 3 weeks of school:)
thats so cool =)
Yes, they do. And the ones that I get whem I get like that ((hypeglucemea )) tHe pain is close to unbearable.
It makes me extremely happy that I could be of some comfort//help to you, and believe me, should I ever need anything, you are put on my list of people to talk to. The best week to you as well, ma copain.
Forever yours in world domination,
Sounds like you had a fascinating weekend, which is more thsn I can say, really. Your clothes sound awesome!! m/(><) :-D Hmm...perhaps I'll take your approach to swimwear, should the occasion arise that my step-mother forces me to buy a bathing suit...
Good night.
yo, i'm afraid u cannot have my HIM stuff because it's all just too kool and i need it lol.i have to go to skool in half an hour so i am gonna go and write my post 4 today well some of it. lou.
I thought so.

Maybe we shall be able to speaky on MSN some time.
Hello, my dear friend Jess. I love you and your emotions and your words. Never think that anyone does not think that. Well no, you may think what you choose and I will be alongside adding my own thoughts. Your "coach?" And I do not believe we ever properly introduced, I am.. Freak-AntiSocial-Wiccan-Devil Worshipper-Metal Head-Goth-Murderer-Nazi-Communist-Sadistic-Whore. Did I mention I was a druggie too?

Attila the Princess
What a great entry! Labels suck and I can't wait to get out of high school and all of the drama and bull shit that comes along with it ... Lotz of love and miss ya lotz!