Stupid computers. Is that possible?

Feeling: annoyed
-mumbles- I have been off this site for so long and I return to know pictures of me Johnny..-sniffles- I can live, honestly. So I was gone for so long because my stupid network part on my computer in my room has been messing up ALL the time so lucky me have got to be on the computer in my mom's office with XP which I love oh so dearly. -chokes- So I have possibly 6 tests/quizzes tomorrow. Everyone says they don't want to give us a test on Tuesday right when we get back but everyone still gives you crap this week especially Wednesday..Oh how teachers are so smart in the ways they teach. Enough with my talking..I don't feel like talking and I am going to quote at the top of my memory as I don't have my links to the script. ...::...POTC Quote of the Day...::... The kid? That there is the son of Bootstrap Bill Turner. His only child. SAVVVY? Leverage says you, I feel a change in the winds says I. ..-mumbles, he randoms on about something here- One can only hope TAKE WHAT YOU CAN...GIVE NOTHING BACK!
Read 6 comments
Awww, lack of Johnny. That must've been horrible to return to.
So....I'm assuming ur a Pirates of the Carribean am too...that was the BESt movie ever...I could watch it 100 times and nto get tired of it :)
My assumption is that you are a fan of POTC. well.....I think you've just met another one!!! I watch that movie at least 5 times weekly. I'm even making a quiz about it. I absolutely LOVE that movie!!!!!
Thanks!!! Yeah. The only reasons that Johnny Depp is 3rd on my list are: He's been around. and around, and around, and around. He has 2 kids and a girlfriend. And he's old enough to be my dad. infact...he's older than my dad. which is a little freaky. BUT...Johnny Depp has so many GOOD qualities that I cant even list them all. Besides, Orlando Bloom looks A LOT like Johnny, only 13 years younger.
ur POTC quotes of the day make me smile :)
Hmmm, skiing was okay but a little diffuclt, and I'm not exactly the sportiest person around. I think I will enjoy it once I've got the hang of it. :O)