At last it's finally over..

Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins
Feeling: hardcore
What if I could go to sleep for days, would you count the hours, or would your restlessness consume fading memories of me? Fall into open arms that offer their protection... --- It is over, it has ended, it is no longer in my life, it has ceased, halted, DONE for two months. And what is it? Why, the school year of course! I made an 84 on my Biology final!!!! I thought I was going to fail it horribly and on Espanol I made a 92 and my final average is a 96. Child Development, since it was SO hard I got a 97 on exam and a 98 in the class. History and English I took today, would have known my grade in History if I had not been the first person in the class alphabetically and I went back after school for detention, but he would not tell me it since I did not show up voluntarily and that if I really wanted to know my grade on exam/final that I would have to email him and request it, which is why I am ever so glad to be out of his class. YAY!! No more Leonard, no more Haney, no more Applegate. YAY There shall be no more unneeded problems caused by people and the cruel words, no more having to deal with the ignorance of people or the many unintelligent. Sure, I will still have to see people each day but not those that I will only see at school. I have two months from May 28 until August 9 of my "freedom" away from school. I cannot say freedom for two months as I have drivers ed classes for a full week in July, now that is going to be a hell of a time and you all know it. The Spanish detention this morning sucked as I had to go to Mr. Garcia's room and help him pack since he is supposedly moving to a new classroom. He had so much shit for a Spanish teacher! Then he started to get all obsessive compulsive on me when I moved his Puerto Rico mini flag to the side to get some books down. He made me place it in the exact spot where it was before and told me to clean up his other book case, why you would need two I know not. That little example makes me relieved that I did not have him for a teacher. I did, however, have fun with the afternoon detention with Leonard. He had all these Economics and World History books so he had me move them to the Social Studies workroom with him. I took two at once, balancing one on my head and kicking the other the whole way there. Bwaha. I dropped many of the books on the ground, my feet and his feet, but he didn't complain since he said I was a better person outside of the class. That, being because in classes I have a high annoyance level with almost everyone around me since they seem to be morons, not that I am a genius, and talking all the time and having teachers know about me or me knowing about them is not my idea of a good time in school so I just sit there and listen to what the teachers have to say as they are the only ones that matter, take notes when forced to do so and then leave each day just wanting to be home. Of course, there are the sleeping classes that I usually sleep in everyday. Why am I speaking of school? It's over! Abby told me to shut up about being out of school, maybe I should listen to her as I have said it mucho times already, but it is not everyday that I even show such positive emotion in something so none of you can ruin it. Maybe she was just mad that she is not getting her summer vacation until June? This weekend nothing special is planned, as always, I will be at home in front of a computer screen. John has some baseball tournament so all day tomorrow they will be up at the fields, I may just go simply for the fact it is something to do besides imprinting my ass to the chair. Anyone actually doing something exciting? Something out of the ordinary movie-going? Or the eating out with your friends at some stupid place like Applebees? Yeah, I must be SO cool that I go with friends and sit at the restaurant for four hours or so when I have no special reason to be there except to just go. The last time I was out with a large group it was after the graduation party last year and then on birthdays when you ne'er want to be sang the birthday song by the workers but they do it anyway. Not to go to a restaurant with eight people just for the hell of it. If I want to hang out with people that bad, you go over to one of their houses and sit in a back or front yard. Or maybe I am just stupid with no friends to see what is fun about doing that, is that the case? Some people are clueless, I will add that. I have these cuts on the tips of my fingers where I ran the razor blade on them so they are just vertical cuts that are on all ten fingers on both hands and someone asked me how I got them and I said they were from my cat when I was playing with her and after they told me my cat was pyscho let it go. So that is what I told people when they questioned what it was. My own mother even believed it since my kitty can be odd like that at times. I carved the word despair onto my chest with the razor last night too. It felt.. great? The NyQuil in the house has ran out, not that my mother knew I had any to begin with. So the sleepless nights have returned, that is until I can go to Target and buy some more of that liquid. That will not be until Monday at least due to a tournament, chores, yard and house work, and my mother having to go to school for three days for post-planning or something like that. But again, who is to complain? And now I leave at the hour of nine this evening. To go listen to Ville, Davey, and Claudio's beautiful voices , and then listen to Mr. Depp in Don Juan de Marco. His Spanish accent is so beautiful in that movie. Have a grrrrreat week at school. Are you all off on Monday? Something about Memorial Day? Just curious, so I know whether to go online before four in the afternoon or not. There is no rant and rave for this entry, is that not news that makes you want to go cry?? Yeah, I am hardcore bitch you best not forget it. No, that was not meant to be taken seriously. Attila will know what I was speaking of though. ^.^ Your weakness kills everyone, so live. -_- Long to believe that support will never cease. Bitter and lonely, those they've left before. The vibrant hear so quickly growing old, the warmest eyes so quickly growing cold. Just a glance for they don't care to see what becomes of me.
Read 18 comments
My family doesn't care either so I have no one really to talk too. It freakin sucks. I'm just going to start college in September and never look back to H.S. I always here you'll miss it when you graduate but I truly won't because I don't have many friends and it seems like you have to fit in to be liked. I hate posers and people that are fake. I'm my own person and no one can accept that, well I'm not changing for anyone. NO WAY NO HOW!
I'm going to Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and I'm going to major in Chemical Engineering

Nothing is as it seems and the only think to look forward too is leaving everyone behind and never looking back. Starting over and maybe being happy
Exactly. I don't want to take a pill or talk to a shrink or anything. I'm done with high school on June 10th and I'm never looking back. If I talk to anyone they won't be the people that I graduating with but some of the underclassman that I love so much.
Doesn't sound like a bad life. You'd hae to deal with Hollywood snobs, though. That'd suck.

hey it is good to here that u didnt forget me!! so how are u?? yeah someone had told me how to do the comment thing but thanks anyway. Well i am gonna go just now, write again soon!! lou x
No, you little poser you are softcore and from the Atlantic Ocean. I am the true hardcore bitch from East Bay. ^^ Your cat must be a possessed demon to scratch all ten of your fingers like that. Maybe it is gaining some intelligence, it must be the music you have been playing it Jess. I did what you said to do about the Gary situation, for saying that you suck at advice you affect me each time the same I do you.
Attila the Hun Princess
Why would anyone want to ruin your emotions of finally being gone? Certainly not I, everyone will eventually get their summer break so her telling you to shut up is just another example of the stupidity we find ourselves encased with. I would give my puppy up to you, but he fears a ride in the car let alone a plane. I am sorry, comrade. How is Your Little Davey may I ask? Attila loves you, Jess, a great Memorial Day to you. Mucho amor.
Hey chapter 6 is up, if you care to read it.
I'm glad that you are happy that school is out. Yes, not having to see those dumbass teachers for 2 months will be great.
I hope your summer is spent how thou wants it to be spent, though that ne'er seems to happen, does it?

catch ya later

I thought I would leave a comment to let you know I thought of you. Yey.
That's awesome that school is out for you. I can't wait till next week when I'm finally out!

You have diabetes? Someone in my family has that...I think one of my cousins or something. My family is full of all kinds of medical problems which is why I'm probably never having kids...oh that and the fact that this world is fucked up and kids shouldn't be brought into it. That's just one of my theories I guess.

Hope you have a nice weekend!
It sucks feeling so alone in this world but I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't please anyone and no one seems to care anymore so what is there for a child to do? I hate feeling alone and I hate beign depressed but I just can't help that anymore because with whatever I do, it seems to be wrong and I can't please anyone. I just want school to end so that I can be away from everyone.
I'm cutting all of my hair off on Wednesday since I can't do it on Monday now but only because of the dye or something. The store wasn't open and she can't get it until Tuesday so Wednesday afternoon it will be so different and I'll make sure to send a bunch of pictures.
Unlike your lucky self, I have to go back to school in a week for like, 6 more weeks. Then I get my summer break of 6 weeks. Fun fun.
I don't have school on Monday for Memorial Day and I was supposed to get my hair done but now I'm not. My mom's mad about it because its a week before Graduation but I don't care. I want to be done with school too so that I can be done with everyone forever ...
You can hate me all you like, at least I'm getting some attention *wink*
Well i have nothing planned for my oh so generous week off school. I have to go round my old best friend's house. I don't want to go. I don't really like her much anymore. Pfft.

Hey do you have msn? my e-mail is if you ever feel you're so far out on the brink of boredom you need to talk to a total psycho.

Anyway, take care. Have fun. Maybe.
I know that I shouldn't try to please other people but its just so hard thinking that no one is satisfied in any way of what I do or anything like that. I need to just start living my life. I'm ready for a change, so I'm chopping all of my hair off on Monday and I'm just gonna start over. No one wants me to do it but I don't care anymore ... Its so hard though ...
I'm glad that you're done with school, I still have four days left. I don't think I'll talk to anyone from my H.S. after I graduate, a lot of my friends go to different schools. I can't wait to start college and meet new people and make new friends because I don't need the drama. I just want to be happy and throughout my four years in H.S., I haven't been one bit ...
I just read your comment on Erin's journal [x9slick9x] about friendships and wanting to be a loner. I know what you mean about all of seems like the more I try to please people, the more I am let down. I value the few true friends that I do have. Yet another hard part of life is never knowing who to trust...seems like everyone screws us over at some point.

Oh and about the converse...I'll upload some pics of them tomorrow for ya:)